HTML::GoogleMaps(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation HTML::GoogleMaps(3) NNAAMMEE HTML::GoogleMaps - a simple wrapper around the Google Maps API SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => $map_key, db => $geo_coder_us_db); $map->center(point => "1810 Melrose St, Madison, WI"); $map->add_marker(point => "1210 W Dayton St, Madison, WI"); my ($head, $body) = $map->render; DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN HTML::GoogleMaps provides a simple wrapper around the Google Maps API. It allows you to easily create maps with markers, polylines and infor- mation windows. If you have Geo::Coder::US installed, it will be able to do basic geocoding for US addresses. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTOORR $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => $map_key); Creates a new HTML::GoogleMaps object. Takes a hash of options. The only required option is _k_e_y, which is your Google Maps API key. You can get a key at . Other valid options are: db => Geo::Coder::US database If given, the aadddd__mmaarrkkeerr and aadddd__ppoollyylliinnee methods will be able to map US addresses, as well as longitude/latitude pairs. height => height in pixels width => width in pixels MMEETTHHOODDSS $map->center($point) Center the map at a given point. $map->zoom($level) Set the zoom level $map->controls($control1, $control2) Enable the given controls. Valid controls are: llaarrggee__mmaapp__ccoonnttrrooll, ssmmaallll__mmaapp__ccoonnttrrooll, ssmmaallll__zzoooomm__ccoonnttrrooll and mmaapp__ttyyppee__ccoonnttrrooll. $map->dragging($enable) Enable or disable dragging. $map->info_window($enable) Enable or disable info windows. $map->map_type($type) Set the map type. Either mmaapp__ttyyppee or ssaatteelllliittee__ttyyppee. $map->add_marker(point => $point, html => $info_window_html) Add a marker to the map at the given point. If hhttmmll is specified, add a popup info window as well. $map->add_polyline(points => [ $point1, $point2 ]) Add a polyline that connects the list of points. Other options include ccoolloorr (any valid HTML color), wweeiigghhtt (line width in pixels) and ooppaacciittyy (between 0 and 1). $map->render Renders the map and returns a two element list. The first element needs to be placed in the head section of your HTML document. The second in the body where you want the map to appear. OONNLLIINNEE EEXXAAMMPPLLEE SSEEEE AALLSSOO AAUUTTHHOORRSS Nate Mueller perl v5.8.3 2005-07-03 HTML::GoogleMaps(3)