# Dancer2::Controllers A wrapper for exporting [Dancer2](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2) routes in various controller esq, modules. Similar to how Spring-Boot declares their routes, except without annotations. ## Example ```perl package MyApp::Controller; use Moo; use strict; use warnings; with 'Dancer2::Controllers::Controller'; sub hello_world { "Hello World!"; } sub foo { "Foo!" } sub routes { return [ [ 'get' => '/' => 'hello_world' ], [ 'get' => '/foo' => 'foo' ], # Or, pass inline subs [ 'get' => '/inline' => sub { 'Inline!!!' } ] ]; } 1; use Dancer2; use Dancer2::Controllers; set port => 8080; controllers( ['MyApp::Controller'] ); dance; ``` ## License Dancer2::Controllers is free software, licensed under the MIT license.