NAME CGI::Thin - A very lightweight Parser for CGI Forms SYNOPSIS use CGI::Thin; use strict; my %cgi_data = &Parse_CGI (); DESCRIPTION This module is a very lightweight parser of CGI forms. And it has a special feature that it will return an array if the same key is used twice in the form. And you can force an array to avoid complications. The hash %cgi_data will have all the form data from either a POST or GET form and will also work for "multipart/form-data" forms necessary for uploading files. USAGE Functions * `CGI::Thin::Parse_CGI(@keys)' The optional @keys will be used to force arrays to be returned. The function also has special features for getting multiple values for a single form key. For example if we have this form... <input type="checkbox" name="color" value="red">red <input type="checkbox" name="color" value="green">green <input type="checkbox" name="color" value="blue">blue One of three things can happen. 1) The user does not select any color. So $cgi_data{'color'} will not exist. 2) The user selects exactly one color. So $cgi_data{'color'} will be the scalar value selected. 3) The user selects exactly more than one color. So $cgi_data{'color'} will be a reference to an array of the values selected. To fix this you could call the parser by giving it a list of keys that you want to force to be arrays. In this case like... use CGI::Thin; my %cgi_data = &Parse_CGI ('color'); Now it they pick exactly one color, $cgi_data{'color'} will be a reference to an array of the one value selected. And thus there will be no need for special cases later in the code. BUGS Following is a list of known or reported bugs. Fixed Pending SUPPORT Visit CGI::Thin's web site at AUTHOR R. Geoffrey Avery CPAN ID: RGEOFFREY