Net::SFTP::Recursive - Perl class for transfering files recursively and

      use Net::SFTP::Recursive;

      my %cfg = (user=>'usr_id', password=>'secret',
                 local_dir=>'/ftp/dir', remote_dir=>'/remote/dir',
      my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Recursive->new;
      # or combine the two together
      my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Recursive->new(%cfg);

      # transfer files from local to remote

      # transfer files from remote to local

      # pass the output to &my_cb method to process
      $sftp->rget('/pub/mydir', '/local/dir', \&my_cb);

      # with file and dir filters
      $sftp->rget('/pub/mydir', '/local/dir', \&my_cb,
            {file_pat=>'pdf$', dir_pat=>'^f'});

      # you can also use a callback method for get or put method as well

    This class contains methods to transfer files recursively and securely
    using Net::SFTP and Net::SSH::Perl.

    *Net::SFTP* is a pure-Perl implementation of the Secure File Transfer
    Protocol (SFTP)--file transfer built on top of the SSH protocol.
    *Net::SFTP* uses *Net::SSH::Perl* to build a secure, encrypted tunnel
    through which files can be transferred and managed. It provides a subset
    of the commands listed in the SSH File Transfer Protocol IETF draft,
    which can be found at

    SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol and is a method of
    transferring files between machines over a secure, encrypted connection
    (as opposed to regular FTP, which functions over an insecure
    connection). The security in SFTP comes through its integration with
    SSH, which provides an encrypted transport layer over which the SFTP
    commands are executed, and over which files can be transferred. The SFTP
    protocol defines a client and a server; only the client, not the server,
    is implemented in *Net::SFTP*.

    Because it is built upon SSH, SFTP inherits all of the built-in
    functionality provided by *Net::SSH::Perl*: encrypted communications
    between client and server, multiple supported authentication methods
    (eg. password, public key, etc.).

    This class extends from *Net::SFTP* and inherents all the methods from
    it, plus more methods: *rget*, *rput*, and *local_ls*.

  new ($host, %args)

    Input variables:

      $host - ftp host name or IP address 
      %args - configuration parameters 

    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

       my $obj = new Net::SFTP::Recursive;      # or
       my $obj = Net::SFTP::Recursive->new;     # or
       my $svr = ''; 
       my $obj = Net::SFTP::Recursive->new($svr,

    Return: new empty or initialized Net::SFTP::Recursive object.

    Opens a new SFTP connection with a remote host *$host*, and returns a
    *Net::SFTP* object representing that open connection.

    *%args* can contain:

    * user
        The username to use to log in to the remote server. This should be
        your SSH login, and can be empty, in which case the username is
        drawn from the user executing the process.

        See the *login* method in *Net::SSH::Perl* for more details.

    * password
        The password to use to log in to the remote server. This should be
        your SSH password, if you use password authentication in SSH; if you
        use public key authentication, this argument is unused.

        See the *login* method in *Net::SSH::Perl* for more details.

    * debug
        If set to a true value, debugging messages will be printed out for
        both the SSH and SFTP protocols. This automatically turns on the
        *debug* parameter in *Net::SSH::Perl*.

        The default is false.

    * warn
        If given a sub ref, the sub is called with $self and any warning
        message; if set to false, warnings are supressed; otherwise they are
        output with 'warn' (default).

    * ssh_args
        Specifies a reference to a list of named arguments that should be
        given to the constructor of the *Net::SSH::Perl* object underlying
        the *Net::SFTP* connection.

        For example, you could use this to set up your authentication
        identity files, to set a specific cipher for encryption, etc.

        See the *new* method in *Net::SSH::Perl* for more details.

    The following are the common methods, routines, and functions defined in
    this classes.

  Exported Tag: All

    The *:all* tag includes all the methods or sub-rountines defined in this

      use Net::SFTP::Recursive qw(:all);

    It includes the following sub-routines:

   rget ($remote, $local, \&callback, $ar)

    Input variables:

      $remote - remote path on ftp server
      $local  - local path for storing the files and directories
      \&callback - a sub routine to process the intermediate information
      $ar     - hash ref for additional parameters 
          file_pat - pattern for filtering file name such as
            .txt$ - all the files with .txt extension 
          dir_pat  - pattern for filtering directory name 
            ^F   - all the dir starting with F
          cb4get - sub ref for passing to get method. See callback 
                   in get method in Net::SFTP
    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

      my $svt = '';
      my %cfg = (user=>'test_user', password => 'secure', debug=>1);
      my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Recursive->new($svr, %cfg);
         $sftp->rget('/pub/mydir', '/local/dir', \&my_cb);
      # with file and dir filters
         $sftp->rget('/pub/mydir', '/local/dir', \&my_cb,
            {file_pat=>'pdf$', dir_pat=>'^f', cb4get=>\&myget_cb});

    Return: $msg - number of files transferred

    Downloads files and/or sub-directory from *$remote* to *$local*. If
    *$local* is specified, it is opened/created, and the contents of the
    remote file *$remote* are written to *$local*. In addition, its
    filesystem attributes (atime, mtime, permissions, etc.) will be set to
    those of the remote file.

    If *rget* is called in a non-void context, returns the contents of
    *$remote* (as well as writing them to *$local*, if *$local* is provided.
    Undef is returned on failure.

    *$local* is default to the current directory if it is not specified.

    If *\&callback* is specified, it should be a reference to a subroutine.
    The subroutine will be executed at each iteration of transfering a file.
    The callback function will receive as arguments: a *Net::SFTP* object
    with an open SFTP connection; the remote file path and name; the local
    file path and name and the hash reference containing atime, mtime,
    flags, uid, gid, perm, and size in bytes). You can use this mechanism to
    provide status messages, download progress meters, etc.:

        sub callback {
            my($sftp, $remote, $local, $ar) = @_;
            print "Copied from $remote to $local ($ar->{size} Bytes)\n";

   rput ($local, $remote, \&callback, $ar)

    Input variables:

      $local  - local path for storing the files and directories
      $remote - remote path on ftp server
      \&callback - a sub routine to process the intermediate information
      $ar     - hash ref for additional parameters 
          file_pat - pattern for filtering file name such as
            .txt$ - all the files with .txt extension 
          dir_pat  - pattern for filtering directory name 
            ^F   - all the dir starting with F
          cb4put - sub ref for passing to get method. See callback 
                   in put method in Net::SFTP
    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

      my $svt = '';
      my %cfg = (user=>'test_user', password => 'secure', debug=>1);
      my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Recursive->new($svr, %cfg);
         $sftp->rput('/local/mydir', '/remote/dir', \&my_cb);
      # with file and dir filters
         $sftp->rput('/local/mydir', '/remote/dir', \&my_cb,
            {file_pat=>'pdf$', dir_pat=>'^f', cb4put=>\&myput_cb});

    Return: $msg - number of files transferred

    Downloads files and/or sub-directory from *$remote* to *$local*. If
    *$local* is specified, it is opened/created, and the contents of the
    remote file *$remote* are written to *$local*. In addition, its
    filesystem attributes (atime, mtime, permissions, etc.) will be set to
    those of the remote file.

    If *rget* is called in a non-void context, returns the contents of
    *$remote* (as well as writing them to *$local*, if *$local* is provided.
    Undef is returned on failure.

    *$local* is default to the current directory if it is not specified.

    If *\&callback* is specified, it should be a reference to a subroutine.
    The subroutine will be executed at each iteration of transfering a file.
    The callback function will receive as arguments: a *Net::SFTP* object
    with an open SFTP connection; the remote file path and name; the local
    file path and name and the hash reference containing atime, mtime,
    flags, uid, gid, perm, and size in bytes). You can use this mechanism to
    provide status messages, download progress meters, etc.:

        sub callback {
            my($sftp, $local, $remote, $ar) = @_;
            print "Copied from $remote to $local ($ar->{size} Bytes)\n";

   local_ls ($ldr[,$sr[,$hr]])

    Input variables:

      $ldr    - local path for files and sub-directories to be listed
      $sr     - sub ref for processing each file stat
      $hr     - hash ref for passing any additional parameters 
          file_pat - pattern for filtering file name such as
            .txt$ - all the files with .txt extension 
          dir_pat  - pattern for filtering directory name 
            ^F   - all the dir starting with F
          cb4put - sub ref for passing to get method. See callback 
                   in put method in Net::SFTP
    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

      my $svt = '';
      my %cfg = (user=>'test_user', password => 'secure', debug=>1);
      my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Recursive->new($svr, %cfg);
      # just get the result in list
      my @dir = $sftp->local_ls('/local/dir');
      # pass additional parameters and get the result as scalar (array ref) 
      my $ar2 = $sftp->local_ls('/local/dir',undef,
            {file_pat=>'pdf$', dir_pat=>'^f'}
      # process the file in proc_file sub routine

    Return: @r or \@r depends on the caller subroutine.

    This methods fetches a directory listing of *$ldr*.

    If *$sr* is specified, for each entry in the directory, *$sr* will be
    called and given a reference to a hash with three keys: *filename*, the
    name of the entry in the directory listing; *longname*, an entry in a
    "long" listing like "ls -l"; and *a*, a *Net::SFTP::Attributes* object,
    which contains the file attributes of the entry (atime, mtime,
    permissions, etc.).

    If *$subref* is not specified, returns a list of directory entries, each
    of which is a reference to a hash as described in the previous

    * Version 0.10
        This version is to test the procedures and create DATA trigger.

        04/22/2005 (htu) - finished creating DATA trigger rountines.

SEE ALSO (some of docs that I check often)
        Data::Describe, Oracle::Loader, CGI::Getopt, File::Xcopy

        Copyright (c) 2005 Hanming Tu. All rights reserved.

        This package is free software and is provided "as is" without
        express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or
        modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see