LaTeX Package : quotmark v 1.0 Last Modified : 10 December 2007 Author : Nicola Talbot Files : quotmark.dtx - documented source file quotmark.ins - installation script sample.tex - sample file The purpose of this package is to provide consistent quotation marks throughout your document. To quote text use either \tqt{text} or \begin{qt}text\end{qt}. The style can be changed either via package options, or through the use of commands, so if, say, you have used single inverted commas throughout your document, and then your publisher tells you that you must use double inverted commas, this can be achieved by editing a single line, rather than trying to work out how to get your editor's search and replace function to work on closing quotes without changing apostrophes or acute accents. There is also an added advantage in that using the text-block command or the environment provided by this package will ensure that failing to close a quotation will result in an error. Paragraph breaks within a quotation are dealt with automatically. This package detects if babel has been loaded, and will use the punctuations marks for the current language. See the documentation for more details. To extract the code from the documented source file do: latex quotmark.ins This will create the file quotmark.sty and some .def files. Move quotmark.sty and the .def files to somewhere LaTeX will find it (e.g. texmf/tex/latex/quotmark/) and remember to update the TeX database. To extract the documentation do: latex quotmark.dtx makeindex -s quotmark latex quotmark.dtx latex quotmark.dtx Place the resulting file (quotmark.dvi) into the documentation directory (e.g. texmf/doc/latex/quotmark/). Read the file CHANGES for version changes. This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license.