DE - Third search for the DOI used some strategies I learned over the course of my PQ searching for get 13K more results, pretty much all of which are reports by the DOI. Looks like a lot of items overlap with the DOT and ACE searches, downloaded all anyways. RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0001.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0002.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0003.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0004.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0005.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0006.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0007.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0008.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0009.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0010.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0011.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0012.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0013.3.5 RI - DOISearch03.PQDOI.0014.3.5 QY - AU(“Department of Interior” OR “US Department of Interior” Or “US Dept of Interior” OR “USDOI” OR “Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance” OR “Office of International Affairs” OR “Office of Native Hawaiian Relations” OR “Office of Restoration and Damage Assessment” OR “Office of Policy Analysis” OR “Interior Business Center” OR (“Office of Emergency Management” AND “OEM”) OR “Office of Law Enforcement and Security” OR “Office of Wildland Fire” OR “Office of Aviation Services” OR “Office of Natural Resources Revenue” OR “ONRR” OR “National Park Service” OR “United States Fish and Wildlife Services” OR “USFWS” OR “US Fish and Wildlife Services” OR “Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development” OR “Office of Indian Gaming” OR “Office of Self-Governance” OR “Bureau of Indian Affairs” OR “Office of Indian Services” OR “Office of Field Operations” OR “Bureau of Indian Education” OR “Bureau of Land Management” OR “Office of Surface Mining” OR “Bureau of Ocean Energy Management” OR “Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement” OR “Office of National Resources Revenue” OR “United States Geological Survey” OR “USGS” OR “” OR “Bureau of Reclamation” OR “Interior Museum”) OR AD(“Department of Interior” OR “US Department of Interior” Or “US Dept of Interior” OR “USDOI” OR “Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance” OR “Office of International Affairs” OR “Office of Native Hawaiian Relations” OR “Office of Restoration and Damage Assessment” OR “Office of Policy Analysis” OR “Interior Business Center” OR (“Office of Emergency Management” AND “OEM”) OR “Office of Law Enforcement and Security” OR “Office of Wildland Fire” OR “Office of Aviation Services” OR “Office of Natural Resources Revenue” OR “ONRR” OR “National Park Service” OR “United States Fish and Wildlife Services” OR “USFWS” OR “US Fish and Wildlife Services” OR “Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development” OR “Office of Indian Gaming” OR “Office of Self-Governance” OR “Bureau of Indian Affairs” OR “Office of Indian Services” OR “Office of Field Operations” OR “Bureau of Indian Education” OR “Bureau of Land Management” OR “Office of Surface Mining” OR “Bureau of Ocean Energy Management” OR “Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement” OR “Office of National Resources Revenue” OR “United States Geological Survey” OR “USGS” OR “” OR “Bureau of Reclamation” OR “Interior Museum”) OR PB(“Department of Interior” OR “US Department of Interior” Or “US Dept of Interior” OR “USDOI” OR “Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance” OR “Office of International Affairs” OR “Office of Native Hawaiian Relations” OR “Office of Restoration and Damage Assessment” OR “Office of Policy Analysis” OR “Interior Business Center” OR (“Office of Emergency Management” AND “OEM”) OR “Office of Law Enforcement and Security” OR “Office of Wildland Fire” OR “Office of Aviation Services” OR “Office of Natural Resources Revenue” OR “ONRR” OR “National Park Service” OR “United States Fish and Wildlife Services” OR “USFWS” OR “US Fish and Wildlife Services” OR “Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development” OR “Office of Indian Gaming” OR “Office of Self-Governance” OR “Bureau of Indian Affairs” OR “Office of Indian Services” OR “Office of Field Operations” OR “Bureau of Indian Education” OR “Bureau of Land Management” OR “Office of Surface Mining” OR “Bureau of Ocean Energy Management” OR “Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement” OR “Office of National Resources Revenue” OR “United States Geological Survey” OR “USGS” OR “” OR “Bureau of Reclamation” OR “Interior Museum”)