DE - Search for the National Transportation Safety Board. 100 results. They have a research division so hopefully more elsewhere, remember to tell Mary about this since it isn’t officially part of the DOT. RI - NTSBSearch01.PQNTSB.0001.2.27 QY - AF(“National Transportation Safety Board” OR “” OR “NTSB Office of Research and Engineering” OR “Office of Railroad, Pipeline, and Hazardous Materials Investigations” OR “Office of Aviation Safety” OR “Office of Highway Safety” OR “Office of Marine Safety”) OR AD(“National Transportation Safety Board” OR “” OR “NTSB Office of Research and Engineering” OR “Office of Railroad, Pipeline, and Hazardous Materials Investigations” OR “Office of Aviation Safety” OR “Office of Highway Safety” OR “Office of Marine Safety”) OR AU(“National Transportation Safety Board” OR “” OR “NTSB Office of Research and Engineering” OR “Office of Railroad, Pipeline, and Hazardous Materials Investigations” OR “Office of Aviation Safety” OR “Office of Highway Safety” OR “Office of Marine Safety”) OR PB(“National Transportation Safety Board” OR “” OR “NTSB Office of Research and Engineering” OR “Office of Railroad, Pipeline, and Hazardous Materials Investigations” OR “Office of Aviation Safety” OR “Office of Highway Safety” OR “Office of Marine Safety”)