NAME Number::Stars - Class for conversion between percent number to star visualization. SYNOPSIS use Number::Stars; my $obj = Number::Stars->new(%params); my $stars_hr = $obj->percent_stars($percent); METHODS "new" my $obj = Number::Stars->new(%params); Constructor. * "number_of_stars" Number of stars. Default value is 10. Returns instance of object. "percent_stars" my $stars_hr = $obj->percent_stars($percent); Get stars structure for setting of star visualisation. (e.g.: 50% → ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆) Output structure is defined by number of star and its value. Possible values are: 'nothing', 'half' and 'full', which define type of star. Returns reference to hash. ERRORS new(): From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. From Mo::utils::check_number(): Parameter 'number_of_stars' must be a number. Value: %s EXAMPLE1 use strict; use warnings; use Number::Stars; use Data::Printer; if (@ARGV < 1) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 percent\n"; exit 1; } my $percent = $ARGV[0]; # Object. my $obj = Number::Stars->new; # Get structure. my $stars_hr = $obj->percent_stars($percent); # Print out. print "Percent: $percent\n"; print "Output structure:\n"; p $stars_hr; # Output for run without arguments: # Usage: __SCRIPT__ percent # Output for value '55': # Percent: 55 # Output structure: # \ { # 1 "full", # 2 "full", # 3 "full", # 4 "full", # 5 "full", # 6 "half", # 7 "nothing", # 8 "nothing", # 9 "nothing", # 10 "nothing" # } EXAMPLE2 use strict; use warnings; use Number::Stars; use Readonly; use Unicode::UTF8 qw(decode_utf8 encode_utf8); Readonly::Scalar our $FULL_STAR => decode_utf8('★'); Readonly::Scalar our $HALF_STAR => decode_utf8('⭒'); Readonly::Scalar our $NOTHING_STAR => decode_utf8('☆'); if (@ARGV < 1) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 percent\n"; exit 1; } my $percent = $ARGV[0]; # Object. my $obj = Number::Stars->new; # Get structure. my $stars_hr = $obj->percent_stars($percent); my $output; foreach my $star_num (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$stars_hr}) { if ($stars_hr->{$star_num} eq 'full') { $output .= $FULL_STAR; } elsif ($stars_hr->{$star_num} eq 'half') { $output .= $HALF_STAR; } elsif ($stars_hr->{$star_num} eq 'nothing') { $output .= $NOTHING_STAR; } } # Print out. print "Percent: $percent\n"; print 'Output: '.encode_utf8($output)."\n"; # Output for run without arguments: # Usage: __SCRIPT__ percent # Output for value '55': # Percent: 55 # Output: ★★★★★⭒☆☆☆☆ EXAMPLE3 use strict; use warnings; use Number::Stars; use Readonly; use Unicode::UTF8 qw(decode_utf8 encode_utf8); Readonly::Scalar our $FULL_STAR => decode_utf8('★'); Readonly::Scalar our $HALF_STAR => decode_utf8('⭒'); Readonly::Scalar our $NOTHING_STAR => decode_utf8('☆'); if (@ARGV < 1) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 number_of_stars percent [number_of_stars]\n"; print STDERR "\tDefault value of number_of_stars is 10.\n"; exit 1; } my $percent = $ARGV[0]; my $number_of_stars = $ARGV[1] || 10; # Object. my $obj = Number::Stars->new( 'number_of_stars' => $number_of_stars, ); # Get structure. my $stars_hr = $obj->percent_stars($percent); my $output; foreach my $star_num (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$stars_hr}) { if ($stars_hr->{$star_num} eq 'full') { $output .= $FULL_STAR; } elsif ($stars_hr->{$star_num} eq 'half') { $output .= $HALF_STAR; } elsif ($stars_hr->{$star_num} eq 'nothing') { $output .= $NOTHING_STAR; } } # Print out. print "Percent: $percent\n"; print 'Output: '.encode_utf8($output)."\n"; # Output for run without arguments: # Usage: __SCRIPT__ percent [number_of_stars] # Default value of number_of_stars is 10. # Output for values 55, 10: # Percent: 55 # Output: ★★★★★⭒☆☆☆☆ # Output for values 55: # Percent: 55 # Output: ★★★★★⭒☆☆☆☆ # Output for values 55, 3: # Percent: 55 # Output: ★⭒☆ DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Error::Pure, Mo::utils. SEE ALSO Tags::HTML::Stars Tags helper for stars evaluation. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © Michal Josef Špaček 2020-2024 BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.03