README for Net::Pcap 0.04

The Net::Pcap module is a Perl binding to the LBL pcap(3) packet
capture library.  It is a re-implementation of Peter Lister's
original Net::Pcap version 0.01.

Net::Pcap version 0.04 contains the following improvements over Net::Pcap
version 0.03:

        - now compiles and workswith Perl 5.6.0

Net::Pcap version 0.03 contains the following improvements over
previous versions:

	- all pcap library functions fully implemented

	- packet header and statistical information passed as
	  perl hashes

	- POD documentation

The source code for the LBL pcap library can be found at  If you're running Linux, there
should be a packaged up version of libpcap available for your system.
Check the nearest mirror site of your favourite distribution.

Installation Notes

If your pcap header files are installed somewhere strange, create the
Makefile using the INC and/or LIBS option.

	$ perl Makefile.PL INC=-I/usr/local/include/pcap \
		LIBS='-L/usr/lib/pcap -lpcap'

Compile the extension as per usual:

	$ make
	$ make test
	$ make install

To install the extension in a private directory, you can use the
PREFIX option when creating Makefile.PL.

A ANSI-compliant compiler is required to compile the extension.  For
most of the tests, root access is required since opening a network
interface in promiscuous mode is a privileged operation.  Some tests
also require a working network interface with traffic on it otherwise
the tests will appear to hang.  Consult the source for individual
tests for more information.

Net::Pcap has been tested by the author on the following systems, but
is likely to run on many more.

	- Solaris 2.6, gcc 2.8.1
	- Linux 2.2, gcc 2.8.1


The original version of Net::Pcap, version 0.01, was written by Peter
Lister <>.

Version 0.02 was created by Bo Adler <> and
not uploaded to CPAN.  It can be found at:

Thanks to David N. Blank-Edelman <> for testing and
general polishing up of this version of Net::Pcap.

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Tim Potter. All rights reserved. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.

Tim Potter