RT::Extension::TemplateTickets - Designate tickets as templates for new

    This extension allows a Request Tracker administrator to mark any ticket
    as a *template ticket* for privileged users to load when creating new
    tickets, and optionally restrict access to these templates to specific

    When a queue has template tickets which are visible to the current user,
    a drop-down list of available templates will be shown at the top of the
    ticket creation form. Choosing one of these will redisplay the form with
    the template values pre-populated.

    Tickets which have been created from a template will optionally show the
    name of the template they were created from under their *Basics*
    section, if the template is configured to enable this.

    For each template ticket, the administrator chooses which of the
    ticket's properties to be include in the template, whether to include
    child tickets, and which child ticket properties to carry over.

    When a template ticket is used to create a new ticket, if the template
    had child tickets, the creation of the new ticket will also trigger
    automatic creation of child tickets patterned after those of the
    template's children. This helps with standardised tasks which need to be
    broken up into pieces.

    Template tickets are administered under *Admin* - *Queues*; after
    choosing a queue, go to *Templates* - *Tickets* in the page menu.
    Administrators must have the new ShowTicketTemplate or
    ModifyTicketTemplate rights.

    Note: Anyone using a template ticket to create a new ticket will need
    sufficient rights to be able to view the original template ticket

    Known to work with RT 4.2.16, 4.4.4, and 5.0.1.

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions.

    Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/
        Add this line:


    Clear your mason cache
            rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj

    Restart your web server

    This tutorial goes through two example types of request:

    1.  A request for a standardised change to be made to a system;

    2.  A data subject access request, which requires reports to be run by
        multiple different teams.

    In this tutorial, we will refer to the RT groups *Group 1*, *Group 2*,
    and *Group 3*, and the queues *General*, *Team 1*, and *Team 2*. We will
    also use the custom fields *Systems affected* and *Implementation plan*
    for the change request scenario. These are all just for illustration.

    Managers of template tickets will need the ShowConfigTab right so they
    can get to the *Admin* - *Queues* menu.

    They will also need new rights; to create, edit, and delete template
    tickets, they need the new *Staff* right ModifyTicketTemplate on the
    relevant queue. To just view the list of templates and their settings,
    they only need the ShowTicketTemplate right.

    Grant these rights in the usual way through the queue's *Group Rights*
    and *User Rights* pages.

    Template tickets for a queue are managed under *Admin* - *Queues*; after
    choosing a queue, go to *Templates* - *Tickets* in the page menu.

    Template tickets, as their name suggests, are based on tickets. To
    create a new template ticket, you must start with a ticket to base it

    For the first example, consider a change request process. Here, someone
    who wants to make a change which may affect business functions will
    submit a standardised form to change management, who will review it, and
    who will then communicate the potential effects to the wider business.

    The same sort of change may need to be raised many times. For instance,
    uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) need testing regularly. There is a
    risk of an outage when testing a UPS, so a change request would be
    needed for each one.

    Create a ticket with yourself as the requestor, with the subject of *UPS
    test - HOSTNAME*. Populate the *Systems affected* and *Implementation
    plan* custom fields with some placeholder text. Then, resolve the
    ticket, and make a note of its ticket number.

    Now that you have a ticket to turn into a template:

    1.  Go to *Admin* - *Queues*, click on the queue, and then go to
        *Templates* - *Tickets* in the page menu.

    2.  Under the *Create a new template ticket* heading, type the ticket
        number into the box and click on the Create button.

    3.  The template configuration page shows the settings at the top, and a
        view of the ticket itself underneath. In the top section, under
        *Settings*, enter a category.

        Categories are optional, but useful when you have a lot of
        templates. Templates in the same category are grouped together when
        shown in the list.

    4.  Enter a description. The description is shown next to the drop-down
        list when the template is selected. It is optional, but can be used
        to give more details of what the template is to be used for.

    5.  Choose whether to show the derivation of tickets which use this
        template. When this is selected, new tickets raised using this
        template will have a *Derived from template:* field in their
        *Basics* section, which will show the ticket ID, subject, and
        description of this template.

    6.  In this example, there won't be any child tickets to include.

    7.  When no groups are selected under *Groups*, this template can be
        used by any privileged user with permission to see the ticket and
        create tickets in the queue.

        To restrict this template to RT groups *Group 1* and *Group 2*, type
        "Group 1" into the box and click on the Add group button, then type
        "Group 2" into the box and click on the Add group button again.

        Click on the Remove button to remove a group if it should not be
        there. Try adding another group and removing it.

    8.  Choose which fields from the template ticket to copy into any new
        ticket which uses this template.

        By default, only *Subject* and *Content* are selected (where
        *Content* refers to the opening correspondence - the first comment).

        In this example, scroll down and also select the *Systems affected*
        and *Implementation plan* fields.

    9.  Click on the Create ticket template button.

    Once the template ticket has been set up, it will appear in the list
    under this queue's *Templates* - *Tickets* page menu, from which you can
    edit it again.

    To delete a template ticket, edit it, and use the Delete this template
    ticket button at the right. Check the confirmation box first. Note that
    the underlying ticket won't be deleted, just the template definition
    attached to it.

    Once a template has been set up, members of the relevant groups will be
    able to use it.

    Click on the Create new ticket button at the top of RT as usual.

    Assuming that you are in the right group to see the template, you will
    see *Load defaults from template:* above the ticket creation form.
    Choose the template from the drop-down list, and click on the Load
    button. You will see that the description is shown to the right of the
    button when you make a selection.

    After clicking on the Load button, the ticket creation page is
    redisplayed, with the relevant fields pre-populated. In this example,
    you would replace *HOSTNAME* in the subject line with the hostname of
    the UPS being tested.

    Complete the form and click on the Create button as usual.

    For the second example, consider a data subject access request (DSAR).
    This is a request from a customer for details of the information the
    company holds on them.

    Here, the person responsible for handling this request will raise an
    internal ticket, with themselves as the requestor, and with one child
    ticket for each team who has to run a report for their area of the
    business. Once each child ticket has been dealt with, the final report
    can be collated and sent to the customer.

    Create a ticket for the main DSAR request in the *General* queue, with a
    subject of *DSAR #12345* and a message body saying something like "Full
    details are in the usual secure location". Then, create 2 child tickets
    under it, in queues *Team 1* and *Team 2*, with subject lines *Team 1
    DSAR: {SUBJECT}* and *Team 2 DSAR: {SUBJECT}*, and message bodies saying
    something similar to the parent ticket. Resolve all three tickets.

    Now that you have the set of tickets to turn into a template:

    1.  Go to *Admin* - *Queues*, click on the queue, and then go to
        *Templates* - *Tickets* in the page menu.

    2.  Under the *Create a new template ticket* heading, type the ticket
        number of the first (parent) ticket into the box and click on the
        Create button.

    3.  Enter a category and description, and choose whether to show the
        originating template in new tickets, as before.

    4.  Enable the *Child tickets* option, so that child tickets are
        included in this template ticket.

        You will see that an extra column, *Child ticket fields*, appears to
        the far right of the settings area.

    5.  Make this template available to the *Group 3* group (in this
        example, the team who process incoming DSARs would be the only
        members of this group). Do this by typing "Group 3" into the box
        under *Groups* and clicking on the Add group button.

    6.  Select the appropriate template fields for the parent ticket, as
        usual. In this example we need at least *Subject* and *Content*.

    7.  Select the appropriate template fields for the child tickets.

        By default, *Queue*, *Subject*, and *Content* are selected for child
        tickets. If *Queue* is not selected, the child tickets will all be
        created in the same queue as the parent, which we don't want in this

        When a child ticket is created as part of a template, the string
        {SUBJECT} is replaced with the parent's subject.

    8.  Click on the Create ticket template button, as before.

    If you now create a ticket using this new template, then you will see
    that two child tickets are automatically created, with subjects the same
    as whatever you entered but prefixed by "Team 1 DSAR:" and "Team 2
    DSAR:" - and they will have been created in the relevant teams' queues.

    Andrew Wood

    All bugs should be reported via email to
    or via the web at
    This software is Copyright (c) 2021 by Andrew Wood

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991