# NAME Web::MarketReceipt - iOS and Android receipt verification module. # SYNOPSIS use Web::MarketReceipt::Verifier::AppStore; use Web::MarketReceipt::Verifier::GooglePlay; my $ios_result = Web::MarketReceipt::Verifier::AppStore->verify( receipt => $ios_receipt, ); if ($ios_result->is_success) { # some payment function } else { # some error function } my $android_result = Web::MarketReceipt::Verifier::GooglePlay->new( public_key => $some_key )->verify( signed_data => $android_receipt_signed_data, signature => $android_receipt_signature, ); if ($android_result->is_success) { # some payment function } else { # some error function } # DESCRIPTION Web::MarketReceipt is iOS and Android receipt verification module # LICENSE Copyright (C) KAYAC Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Konboi <ryosuke.yabuki@gmail.com>