Example Workflow for Bulk RNA-Seq Analysis

Limma-voom workflow

Prepare data

To download and process GEO datasets, use the prepare_geo() function. This will generate a list containing count data, sample information, and gene data.

# x <- prepare_geo('gseid')

For preparing TCGA RNA-Seq data using the TCGAbiolinks`` package, use theprepare_tcga()` function. This will return a list containing count data for all samples and unstranded FPKM data for tumor samples, along with sample and feature information.

Example Workflow: TCGA CHOL Project

Three functions are designed for this workflow:


query <- GDCquery(
  project = "TCGA-CHOL",
  data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
  data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification"
GDCdownload(query = query)
data <- GDCprepare(query = query)

lt <- prepare_tcga(data)
lt$all$sampleInfo[["group"]] <- fifelse(lt$all$sampleInfo$sample_type %ilike% "Tumor", "Tumor", "Normal")

# limma workflow
x <- dgeList(lt$all$exprCount, lt$all$sampleInfo, lt$all$featuresInfo)
x <- dprocess_dgeList(x, "group", 10)
efit <- limmaFit(x, "group")

CHOL.DEGs <- limma::topTable(fit = efit, coef = 1, number = Inf)

For a detailed overview of the Limma workflow, refer to the article: RNA-seq analysis is as easy as 1-2-3 with limma, Glimma and edgeR.

Next, visualize the differentially expressed genes using the plotVolcano() function.

# View the help page for additional arguments.
plotVolcano(data = CHOL.DEGs, x = logFC, y = -log10(adj.P.Val))

Pathway Enrichment Analysis

To perform pathway enrichment analysis such as GO and KEGG, download the r4msigdb package to access the MSigDB gene set.


To know more details about this package, please see r4msigdb. To get GO pathways in MSigDB:

pathwayGO <- r4msigdb::query(species = "Hs", pathway = "^GO(MF)|(BP)|(CC)_")

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)

The core function is adapted from the fgsea package with minor visual enhancements.


Run the GSEA analysis:

fgseaRes <- fgsea(pathways = examplePathways, 
                  stats    = exampleRanks,
                  minSize  = 15,
                  maxSize  = 500)
  pathways = examplePathways, 
  pwayname = "5991130_Programmed_Cell_Death", 
  stats = exampleRanks, 
  save = FALSE
#> Warning in fsort(stats, TRUE): New parallel sort has not been implemented for
#> decreasing=TRUE so far. Using one thread.

Over-Representation Analysis

Conduct Over-Representation Analysis (ORA) using the following approach:

foraRes <- fora(examplePathways, genes=tail(names(exampleRanks), 200), universe=names(exampleRanks))

Display the results:

# Adjust the pathway position on the y-axis based on the adjusted p-value (padj)
foraRes[, pathway := factor(pathway, levels = rev(pathway))]

plotORA(data = foraRes[1:8], x = -log10(padj), y = pathway, size = overlap, fill = 'constant')