The confproc package ($Date: 2010/08/05 00:00:01 $) Copyright (c) 2011 by Vincent Verfaille <> Purpose: Confproc is a LaTeX2e package providing a new document-class together with various tools (Perl and Unix/bash scripts) for building conference proceedings, or concatenating any set of PDFs with a table of contents, index, bookmarks and general bibliography. The LaTeX2e class is mainly based on the 'pdfpages' package for PDF papers inclusion, and the 'hyperref' package for creating proper links, bookmarks and general bibliography back references. It also uses many other packages for fine tuning the table of contents, bibliography and index of authors. Current version 0.8 is the previous 0.7 major update with key-value option management, that has now been tested with TeXLive 2011. The added value of this class is in the time saved to quickly design conference proceedings or any collection of PDFs. Files: - main file: confproc.dtx Docstrip archive To generate the doc, run this through LaTeX. - class files: confproc.ins Batch file (do: pdflatex confproc.dtx) confproc.drv Driver for documentation (do: pdflatex confproc.ins) Edit to generate customized doc + pdflatex confproc.drv confproc.cls LaTeX package (do: pdflatex confproc.ins) confproc.cfg Configuration file (do: pdflatex confproc.ins) confproc.dvi Package documentation (do: pdflatex confproc.drv) - example files (do: pdflatex confproc.ins): Index style Index style example1empty.tex Simplest example file example2custom.tex Customized example file example3optim.tex Idem with automatic program generation example4optim.tex Idem with option management expapersswitch.tex Paper switch for paper insertion exsessions.tex Program sessions exclasspre.tex Class options for 1st pdflatex runs on 'example4optim.tex' exclasslastpb.tex Class options for last pdflatex run (paperback version) exclasslastel.tex Class options for last pdflatex run (electronic version) exbiblio.bib Bibliography for example*optim.tex exprogram.csv Comma-separated conference program newapave.bst Bibliography style from 'newapa.bst' newapave.sty Bibliography style from 'newapa.sty' - example scripts (do: pdflatex confproc.ins): Unix/bash script to prepare example files and folders (used it after running LaTeX on .dtx and .ins) Unix/bash script: build the 'example3optim.tex' example Unix/bash script: build the 'example4optim.tex' example with paperback and electronic PDF versions & individual papers extracted Unix/bash script: re-build all the papers Unix/bash script: copy papers to the right spot Unix/bash script: count PDFs nb of pages Requires 'pdftk' to be installed. Get it from: or Unix/bash scrit using pdftk to extract each individual paper from the proceedings, for proper page numbering and headers. Requires 'pdftk' and 'Ghostscript' to be installed. Perl script generating 'expapersswitch.tex' from 'exprogram.csv'. Requires Perl to be installed. Unix/bash script to generate individual PDFs with proper metadata. Requires 'pdftk' to be installed. preamble of a Unix/bash script ( generated by Unix/bash script to remove LaTeX accents and commands for titles in PDF metadata. Requires Perl to be installed. Read me: readme.txt This file (do: pdflatex confproc.dtx) Installation: pdflatex confproc.dtx Creates docstrip installation file confproc.ins and this file pdflatex confproc.ins Creates 'confproc.cls' class file, example files, scripts and documentation drive 'confproc.drv' Docstrip options available: package - to produce a (LaTeX2e) class file (.cls) driver - to produce a driver file to print the documentation example - to produce an example file, which demonstrates the possibilities of the package Move confproc.cls into a directory searched by LaTeX. pdflatex confproc.dtx Creates the (LaTeX2e) documentation. optionally: Edit confproc.drv and customize the documentation to your wishes. LaTeX confproc.drv Generates customized documentation. Depending on your customization you will have to run makeindex confproc.idx -s -o confproc.ind and/or makeindex confproc.glo -s -o confproc.gls pdfLaTeX example*.tex Demonstrate the possibilities of this package. Contact: E-Mail: Address: Vincent Verfaille, Montreal, QC, Canada Legal stuff: readme.txt, the ReadMe file for the confproc package Copyright (c) 2011 by Vincent Verfaille <> This file is part of the confproc package. ------------------------------------------- There is no warranty for the confproc package. I provide the program `as is', without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. This program may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later. This is a generated file. It may not be distributed without the original source file confproc.dtx. This program consists of the confproc.dtx file. Files generated by means of unpacking this program using the docstrip program may be distributed at the distributor's discretion. However if they are distributed then a copy of this program must be distributed together with them.