%%%%% French-speaking LaTeX FAQ: legacy versions

This directory contains old versions of the French-speaking LaTeX FAQ,
that have been used as a starting points of current FAQ.
Please do not take them as current authoritary material, as they are
mostly obsolete.

% "LaTeX-FAQ-francaise_2001"

Ressources that have been gathered and organized by Marie-Paule Kluth,
from 1997 to 2001.

Last version: 2001-06-08.

We gratefully acknowledge Marie-Paule Kluth for allowing us to take over
her project.

% "faqfr-20041111-3.00.alpha.pdf"

Major update to the FAQ, coordinated by Benjamin Bayart, and released as
a huge PDF file.

Last version: 2004-11-11

The (hopefully) complete list of contributors of both projects can be found at:

The most up-to-date contents are now hosted on a wiki:

Please feel free to request an account on this wiki and get involved
in the maintenance of this documentation (in French).

In case of any question, ask: Jérémy Just <jeremy@jejust.fr>