DE - Search for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and preceeding agencies. Retrieves about 9K results. The website has a large repository of publications as well. RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0001.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0002.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0003.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0004.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0005.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0006.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0007.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0008.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0009.2.27 RI - NRCSearch01.PQNRC.0010.2.27 QY - AF(“Nuclear Regulatory Commission” OR “” OR “Atomic Energy Commission” OR “Energy Research and Developement Admistration” OR “Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards” OR “Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes” OR “Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel” OR “Office of New Reactors” OR “Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards” OR “Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation” OR “Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research” OR “Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response”) OR AU(“Nuclear Regulatory Commission” OR “” OR “Atomic Energy Commission” OR “Energy Research and Developement Admistration” OR “Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards” OR “Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes” OR “Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel” OR “Office of New Reactors” OR “Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards” OR “Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation” OR “Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research” OR “Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response”) OR AD(“Nuclear Regulatory Commission” OR “” OR “Atomic Energy Commission” OR “Energy Research and Developement Admistration” OR “Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards” OR “Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes” OR “Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel” OR “Office of New Reactors” OR “Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards” OR “Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation” OR “Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research” OR “Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response”) OR PB(“Nuclear Regulatory Commission” OR “” OR “Atomic Energy Commission” OR “Energy Research and Developement Admistration” OR “Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards” OR “Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes” OR “Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel” OR “Office of New Reactors” OR “Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards” OR “Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation” OR “Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research” OR “Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response”) OR PUB(“Nuclear Regulatory Commission” OR “” OR “Atomic Energy Commission” OR “Energy Research and Developement Admistration” OR “Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards” OR “Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes” OR “Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel” OR “Office of New Reactors” OR “Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards” OR “Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation” OR “Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research” OR “Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response”)