Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that has been discontinued. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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i.eodag - Downloads imagery scenes from various providers through the EODAG API.


imagery, eodag, sentinel, landsat, modis, dataset, scene, download


i.eodag --help
i.eodag [-ljbsp] [producttype=string] [map=name] [clouds=integer] [output=name] [limit=integer] [config=name] [area_relation=string] [pattern=string] [footprints=name] [minimum_overlap=integer] [id=string[,string,...]] [file=name] [provider=string] [sort=string[,string,...]] [order=string] [query=string[,string,...]] [start=string] [end=string] [save=name] [print=string] [timeout=integer] [wait=integer] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


List filtered products scenes and exit
Print scenes extended metadata information in JSON style and exit
Use the borders of the AOI polygon and not the region of the AOI
Skip scenes that have already been downloaded
Print compiled query string and exit
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


Imagery product type to search for
Name of input vector map to define Area of Interest (AOI)
If not given then current computational extent is used
Maximum cloud cover percentage for scene [0, 100]
Name for output directory where to store downloaded scenes data
Limit number of scenes
Default: 50
Full path to yaml config file
Name of input file
Spatial relation of footprint to AOI
Options: Intersects, Contains, IsWithin
Filter products by id using a regular expression, e.g. 'LC09.*T1'
Name for output vector map with footprints
Minimal AOI area covered by the scene [0, 100]
List of scenes IDs to download
File with a list of scenes to read
Can be either a text file (one product ID per line), or a geojson file that was created by i.eodag
The provider to search within.
Providers available by default:
Field to sort values by
Options: ingestiondate, cloudcover, footprint
Default: cloudcover,ingestiondate,footprint
Sort order (see sort parameter)
Options: asc, desc
Default: asc
Query using extra filtering parameters
Start date (ISO 8601 Format)
By default it is 60 days ago
End date (ISO 8601 Format)
By default it is the current date and time
Geojson file name to save the search results in
Print the available options of the given value in JSON
Options: products, providers, queryables, config
If download fails, maximum time in minutes before stop retrying to download
Default: 300
Wait time in minutes before retrying to download data
Default: 2

Table of contents



i.eodag allows to search and download imagery scenes, e.g. Sentinel, Landsat, and MODIS, as well as other Earth Observation products, from a number of different providers. The module utilizes the EODAG API, as a single interface to search for products within the supported providers.

By default i.eodag will search for products which footprint intersects the current computational region extent. Users can alternatively opt to pass a vector map throught the map option to define the area of interest (AOI) and change the relation with product footprints by means of the area_relation or minimum_overlap options.

To only list available scenes, l flag must be set. If no start or end dates are provided, the module will search scenes from the past 60 days. Note that the dates used for searching start, end, in addition to ingestiondate, which is displayed when listing found scenes, refer to the sensing time of the scene.

To download all scenes found within the time frame provided, users must remove the l flag and provide an output directory. Otherwise, files will be downloaded into the /tmp directory. To download only selected scenes, one or more IDs must be provided through the id option.

To be able to download data through i.eodag, users will need to register for the providers of interest. i.eodag reads user credentials from the EODAG YAML config file. Users have to specify the configuration file path through the config option, otherwise i.eodag will use the credentials found in the default config file which is auto-generated the first time EODAG is used after installation. The configuration file is stored by default in $HOME/.config/eodag/eodag.yml.

Use Cases

There are different ways to use i.eodag:

Searching from scratch

When users are searching for scenes for the first time and they don't know the IDs of specific scenes. The searching is done by setting the main options e.g. producttype, start, end, clouds and, possibly, provider.

Searching using scenes IDs

Users have a set of scenes IDs that they want to search for and download. They can either use the id option or use the file option and pass a text file, with one ID per line. When searching with ID, users must specify the product type that the IDs belong to. Specifying a provider is not mandatory, but it is recommended. In case users do not specify the provider, each scene might be offered from a different provider. Note that all scenes IDs have to belong to the same product type.

Reading products from a GeoJSON file

When the user has already performed a first search and saved the results into a GeoJSON file using the save option. Users will then pass the GeoJSON file through the file option. No additional searching will be done in this case, but users will be able to further filter the products saved in the GeoJSON file through the different options, e.g. start, end, query, area_relation, etc.



Querying, aka. filtering, is a method introduced to i.eodag to further filter the search results based on an extended list of products' properties, called queryables.
The print option can be used to get hints of the avaible queryables. For example, to get the queryables for the product "S2_MSI_L2A" that is offered by Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (cop_dataspace):

i.eodag print=queryables provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A
Note that the print option only gives a subset of the avaible queryables, and users can in fact use any of the product's properties for filtering. If users are not sure about the all the available properties for a product, they can run a generic search with the j flag and limit=1, to see an instance of the product of interest. The available queryables will be found in the JSON output within the "properties" section.

The possible types of these properties are:

The query option is used for querying. There is a list of rules that users need to follow when composing queries:


Relation Operator
Equal eq
Not Equal ne
Less Than or Equal le
Less Than lt
Greater Than or Equal ge
Greater Than gt

Query Structure

Basic structure:

{queryable} = {value} ; {operator}


Print products which orbitDirection property is "DESCENDING":

i.eodag -l start=2022-05-01 end=2022-06-01 \
provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \
NOTE: If no operator is specified then the 'eq' opeartor will be used.

Multiple values per queryable:

{queryable} = {value_1} ; {operator_1} | {value_2} ; {opeartor_2}


Print products which cloudCover is either less than 30 OR greater than 60, aka. [0, 30) ∪ (60, 100].
Notice here that multiple values are used to indicate the OR relation.

i.eodag -l start=2022-05-01 end=2022-06-01 \
provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \
query="cloudCover=30;lt | 60;gt"
To use the AND relation instead, write them in separate queries.
Print products which cloudCover is greater than 30 AND less than 60, aka. (30, 60).
i.eodag -l start=2022-05-01 end=2022-06-01 \
provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \
query="cloudCover=30;gt, cloudCover=60;lt"
Print products which cloudCover is greater than 30 AND less than 60, and having a descending orbit.
i.eodag -l start=2022-05-01 end=2022-06-01 \
provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \
query="cloudCover=30;gt, cloudCover=60;lt, orbitDirection=DESCENDING"

Null Values

In some cases, products might have Null as the value of some properties (aka. queryables). These products will be filtered out by default. In case users do not want them to be filtered out, they need to provide an additional Null value to the queryable.


Print products which orbitDirection is DESCENDING.

i.eodag -l start=2022-05-01 end=2022-06-01 \
provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \
Print products which orbitDirection is DESCENDING OR Null.
i.eodag -l start=2022-05-01 end=2022-06-01 \
provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \

Frequently used queryables

NOTE: These queryables are only for reference, and they might not always be avaiable for all providers/products.

EODAG configuration

EODAG configuration YAML file is used to set multiple values, including:

Used when the i.eodag tries to search for a product, with no provider specified. Searching is attempted with providers with higher priority first.

Some providers require credentials to conduct searching, while others do not. However, users will need to set the credentials for downloading, in most cases. See Providers Registration for more details about registration and credentials.

NOTE: If users notice that i.eodag doesn't recognize a specific provider when searching or downloading, it might be that they need to specify the credentials for that provider.

Output Prefix
Setting the output_prefix is similar to using the output option. It is the directory into which downloaded products will be saved.

Following is an example for a config YAML file with Copernicus Dataspace credentials:

    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 0)
    search:   # Search parameters configuration
          password: password


To register to Creodias, users should create an account here, and then use their username and password in the eodag configuration file. Users will also need TOTP, a 6-digits temporary one time password, to be able to authenticate and download scenes (product search within creodias can be done without registering). This TOTP is only valid for very short time, i.e., 30 to 60 seconds, so it shall not be set through the eodag configuration file. When i.eodag attempts to download a scene from creodias, users will be prompted to input the TOTP. If they prefer to discard these scenes, they should enter "-" instead. Note that interactive prompt does not work in the graphical user interface.

See Configure EODAG section for more details about configuration of the providers' credentials and other EODAG YAML config file parameters.


Search and list the available Sentinel 2 scenes in the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, using a vector map as an AOI:
v.extract input=urbanarea where="NAME = 'Durham'" output=durham

i.eodag -l start=2022-05-01 end=2022-06-01 \
    map=durham producttype=S2_MSI_L2A provider=cop_dataspace
Search and list the available Sentinel 2 scenes in the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, with at least 70% of the AOI covered:
i.eodag -l start=2022-05-01 end=2022-06-01 \
    producttype=S2_MSI_L2A provider=cop_dataspace \
    clouds=50 map=durham minimum_overlap=70
Sort results descendingly by cloudcover, and then by ingestiondate. Note that sorting with cloudcover uses unrounded values, while they are rounded to the nearest integer when listing.
i.eodag -l start=2022-05-25 end=2022-06-01 \
    producttype=S2_MSI_L2A provider=cop_dataspace \
    sort=cloudcover,ingestiondate order=desc
Search for scenes with a list of IDs, and filter the results with the provided parameters:
i.eodag -l file=ids_list.txt \
    start=2022-05-25 \
    area_relation=Contains clouds=3
Search and list the available Sentinel 2 scenes in the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, with relative orbit number 54:
i.eodag -l producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \
    provider=cop_dataspace save=search_result.geojson \
Search and list the available Tier 1 Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level 2 scenes in USGS, using filtering with a regular expression:
i.eodag -l producttype=LANDSAT_C2L2 \
    provider=usgs save=search_result.geojson \
Search and list Sentinel 2 scenes using IDs from Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem:
To download the selected scenes, simply remove the l flag.
i.eodag -l provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \
Search and list for a Landsat scene using its ID from USGS:
To download the selected scene, remove the l flag.
i.eodag -l provider=usgs producttype=LANDSAT_C2L2 \
Download all available scenes with cloud coverage not exceeding 50% in the /tmp directory:
i.eodag start=2022-05-25 end=2022-06-01 \
    producttype=S2_MSI_L2A provider=cop_dataspace clouds=50
Download only selected scenes from a text file with IDs, using the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem as the provider:
i.eodag file=ids_list.txt provider=cop_dataspace
Download only selected scenes into the download_here directory, using a custom config file:
i.eodag provider=cop_dataspace \
    S2B_MSIL2A_20240529T081609_N0510_R121_T37SED_20240529T124818" \
    producttype=S2_MSI_L2A \
    config=full/path/to/eodag/config.yaml \
List recognized EODAG providers:
i.eodag print=providers
List recognized EODAG providers offering Sentinel 2 scenes:
i.eodag print=providers producttype=S2_MSI_L2A
List recognized EODAG products:
i.eodag print=products
List recognized EODAG products offered by Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem:
i.eodag print=products provider=cop_dataspace
List queryables for Sentinel 2 scenes offered by Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem:
i.eodag print=queryables provider=cop_dataspace producttype=S2_MSI_L2A
List current EODAG configuration:
i.eodag print=config
List current EODAG configuration for Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem:
i.eodag print=config provider=cop_dataspace
Print query summary:
i.eodag -lp provider=usgs producttype=LANDSAT_C2L2 area_relation=IsWithin clouds=30



i.landsat, i.sentinel, i.modis


Hamed Elgizery, Giza, Egypt.

GSoC 2024 Mentors: Luca Delucchi, Stefan Blumentrath, Veronica Andreo


Available at: i.eodag source code (history)

Latest change: Wednesday Feb 26 00:42:43 2025 in commit: cd37bac0690006b222682002e6775b317e694e68

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