HISTORY of GRASS 4.2.1 Development

This text describes the changes from the basic changes to
the 4.2 package from Baylor University to the first package 
src421 beta 1 (18. Dec. 97) onwards to 
src421 V.20 (7. December 1998).

  | All changes not be described here are documented in |
  | the modules itself and diff-files are stored beside |
  | the specific files.                                 |

So long 

 Markus Neteler
       Department of Geography
       Institute of Physical Geography
       University of Hannover
       email: neteler@geog.uni-hannover.de

You have found this file here:

Version 20 (7. December 98)

#221 - added full coordinate output to d.what.sites (src.alpha/display) (M.N.)
#220 - Bugfix for r.tiff (src.alpha/raster)  (Jacques Bouchard)
#219 - added m.in.e00 (src.alpha/misc) (Michel Wurtz)
#218 - added m.statistics (src.alpha/scripts) (M.N.)
#217 - small bugfix in i.spectral (src.alpha/scripts) (M.N.)
#216 - v.surf.spline: fixed scripts and Gmakefile
#215 - d.pan: bugfix for middle mouse button (Jacques Bouchard)

Version 19 (22. September 98)
#214 - s.sv (src.alpha/sites/) added (M.N./Jacques Bouchard)
#213 - v.digspline (src.alpha/vector/) corrected (Jacques Bouchard)
#212 - i.shape (src.contrib/CERL/imagery/) corrected (Jacques Bouchard)
#211 - d.param.scale/r.param.scale (src.alpha/display/raster) corrected (Jacques Bouchard)
       and added short man-pages (M.N.)
#210 - more corrections for SGI (Jacques Bouchard)
        - src.alpha/raster/r.nntool/common.h 
        - src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.in.sdts/Gmakefile
        - src.garden/grass.rim/s.db.rim/cmd/Gmakefile 
#209 - added d.what.sites (src.alpha/display/) (Jacques Bouchard)
#209 - added r.to.sites (src.alpha/raster) (M.N.)
#208 - corrected r.poly (src/raster/r.poly): (M.N.)
         - take care of current location settings now (G_Get_region in io.c)
         - outputs rows and cols in progress instead of debug messages
#207 - gdbase ASCII-DBMS running now (code untested section corrected and moved 
        to src.contrib/UCB) (Dr. B. Friedrich / M.N.)
         -r.gdbase, -s.gdbase, -v.gdbase with TclTK interface
#206 - Partly updated PostgreSQL-GRASS interface (untested/dbms/grass.postgres/)
       BTW: You find Postgres 6.x at http://www.postgresql.org
            and a NICE graphical user "PGACCESS" interface at ftp://ftp.flex.ro/pub/pgaccess/
       Any voluneers to update the GRASS interface? (M.N.)
#205 - corrected r.out.arctiff (src.alpha/scripts) - included missing n_s_res 
          in exported .tfw file (M.N.)
#204 - added r.in.arctiff (src.alpha/script) - import of ARCTIFF files (M.N.)
        (thanks to Leslie Apollon  for his hints on tfw format)
#203 - corrected src.contrib/SCS/display/d.fix.ortho: 
         -  moving direction corrected and line draw activated (M.N.)
#202 - added src.contrib/NPS/imagery.29nov93  (M.N.)
         - i.points3  -> merges i.points and i.ortho.photo and has got new LANDSAT
                           elevation correction
         - i.tape.tm3 -> merges i.tape.tm and i.tape.tm.fast and has got new functions
         - i.rectify3 -> merges i.rectify, i.rectify2 and i.ortho.photo 
                          and has got new LANDSAT elevation correction
       => this code needs some bugfixing...
#201 - made r.out.tiff sensitive to regions settings (M.N.)
        - src.alpha/raster/r.tiff/cmd/r.out.tiff.c
        - src.alpha/raster/r.tiff.old/cmd/r.out.tiff.c
#200 - corrected wrong color "violet" in src/scripts/shells/d.correlate.sh (M.N.)
#199 - Changed src/imagery/i.grey.scale/Gmakefile:  stored in 
        etc/bin/main/cmd now to make it also non-interactive usable (M.N.)
#198 - SGI support improved: new head file (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
         - src/imagery/i.points/mark.c
         - src/raster/r.mapcalc/polish/pol.y
         - src.alpha/raster/r.le/r.le.dist/main.c
         - src.alpha/misc/m.in.stf1.db3/m.in.stf1.db.c
         - src.alpha/misc/m.in.pl94.db3/m.in.pl94.db.c
         - src.alpha/imagery/i.ortho.photo/photo.2target/mark.c
         - src.alpha/imagery/i.vpoints/mark.c
         - src.alpha/raster/r.affinity/inter/classify.c
         - src.alpha/raster/r.nntool/nntool.c
         - src.alpha/sites/s.geom/libes/basic/basic.h
         - src.alpha/sites/s.geom/libes/include/basic.h
         - src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.sdts.dq.cp/cmd/main.c
         - src.contrib/SDTS/misc/m.sdts.read/Gmakefile
         - src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.out.sdts/Gmakefile
         - src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.out.sdts/control.c
         - src.garden/answers/raster/r.fill.dir/cmd/mp.h
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/cmd/misc.c
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/cmd/vect_map.c
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/cmd/site_list.c
         - src.related/rim/run.setup
#197 - updated Gmakefiles (compiler options corrected) (M.N.)
         - src.garden/grass.rim/s.db.rim/cmd/Gmakefile
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/cmd/Gmakefile
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/inter/Gmakefile
#196 - bugfix for CELL driver: PROJ and ZONE info defined to Zero (0) now.
         - src/display/devices/CELL/Graph_Clse.c
#195 - added src.alpha/raster/r.distance
#194 - changed name of XDRIVER_24 to XDRIVER (simplifies installation,
       XDRIVER_24 supports 8bit as well as 24bit) (M.N.)
         - src/display/devices/XDRIVER_24/XDRIVER24/Gmakefile
#193 - g.help: switched key's meaning of ESC and SPACEBAR 
       (for more intuitive usage) (M.N.)
#192 - added src.alpha/raster/r.out.pov (POVRAY export module)
       (thanks to Klaus Meyer )

Version 18b (22. July 98)
# - removed src.related/tcltkgrass  (TCL/TK 8.0 library sources)
    removed src.related/xgrass      (lesstif sources - MOTIF clone)
    Stored separately on the WWW-server now.
# - moved   src.related/LTPlus_4.13 (digitizing program)
            src.related/mapgen_6.25 (Map creating program)
                into separated packages on server. (M.N.)
# - removed more than 1050 oldish backup files (these files are saved, email
       me, if you need them!) (M.N.)
# - removed src.alpha/tcltkgrass - get it in a separate package!
    The reason is more flexibility in updating this package.

#191 - corrected src421/src/CMD/lists/GRASS: removed double entries
#190 - added src421/src/CMD/head/solaris2.5 and solaris2.6
#189 - added i.oif (calculate Optimum index factor for LANDSAT TM) (M.N.)
#188 - correction to src421/src.alpha/imagery/i.gensig/inter/Gmakefile (put binary 
       code into alpha section instead of main)
#187 - removed src421/src.contrib/CAST/r.colors.paint/ (already in src.alpha)
#186 - corrected src421/src/CMD/lists/GRASS:
         - disactivated src/v.mkgrid (src.contrib/PURDUE/v.mkgrid is improved)
#185 - src.alpha/display/d.barscale: draw_scale.c added fflush(stdout) (M.N.)
#184 - src/display/d.what.vect: what.c added fflush(stdout) for better
       use in TclTKGRASS (thanks to Jacques Bouchard!)
#183 - added  -DATT_386 flag in src421/src/CMD/head/linux for i.in.erdas
#182 - src/raster/r.in.ll corrected, handles properly negative cell values now 
        - src/raster/r.in.ll (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
#181 - src.alpha/raster/r.in.bin: new "-s" flag and "subst" option for GTOPO30 files
#180 - src.garden/answers/raster/r.direct: corrections to direct_for.f (thanks to Jacques Bouchard!)
#179 - d.3d changed to suppress the annoying empty result window that 
       jumps at the end of the execution (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
        - src/display/d.3d/threeds.c
#178 - src/mapdev/v.prune: added v.support-check for input files (M.N.)
#177 - added src.alpha/raster/r.in.ppm (M.N.)
#176 - bugfixes in ASCII database management system "GDBASE" (M.N.)
          - new Gmakefile
          - corrections for tcl-tk-query windows
#175 - created Gmakefile for POSTGRES interface (M.N.)
#174 - Removed "chmod 0555 grass42/scripts/*" from (G. Chou - gchou@gpz.com)
       due to Solaris problems (writing into the scripts directory)
       Inserted "chmod 755 $(GISBASE)/scripts/*" into
           src.alpha/scripts/Gmakefile (last line)
#173 - r.hdf: src.alpha/raster/r.hdf/r.in.hdf/Gmakefile (Jacques Bouchard)
          -> $(VASK) changed to $(VASKLIB) (was a Solaris/Redhat compiling problem)
#172 - ps.map Segmentation Fault on Solaris 2.6
       fix in libgis.a:  in src421/src/libes/gis/strip.c 
        (thanks to Clifton Wood )
#171 - src.alpha/raster/r.water.outlet.3.0: main.c - error message corrected
#170 - src.alpha/raster/r.affinity: comment syntax corrected
#169 - src.alpha/raster/r.agnps50 (thanks to George Chou - support@gpz.com)
       correction in Gmakefile (thanks to George Chou)
#168 - src/libes/gis/G.h:
       change to fix the "Too many open files" problem (thanks to George Chou)

Version 17 (12. June 98)
#167 - RIM/GRASS interface:
        - corrected src.garden/grass.rim: working (!?) now
        - added src.garden/grass.rim.new from Marco Valagussa  
#166 - RIM help system updated
#165 - RIM-database updated! 
       src.related/rim (was untested/dbms/rim)
       (thanks to Marco Valagussa !)
             -> should be compilable on Linux now
#164 - src.alpha/raster/r.tiff (thanks to Marco Valagussa)
       (old version stored in src.alpha/raster/r.tiff.old/).
       Changes for TIFF - library management: 
        now the libtiff of the system is used:
#163 - changed #-lmalloc with $(LIB_MALLOC) (thanks to Marco Valagussa!)
#162 - bugfix: src/mapdev/v.digit/digmain.c (thanks to Marco Valagussa!)
               src.alpha/display/d.sites.label (from untested section)
#161 - XGRASS: little fixes for compiling with MOTIF: 
                   (thanks to Marco Valagussa!)

#160 - d.3d (src/display): added missing color=color parameter for (M.N.)
                           command line usage
#159 - LTPlus (src.related): corrections in LIBRULE management. (M.N.)
                            package should be compilable now...
Version 16a (29. May 98)
#158 - restored i.grey.scale (sorry for that!)
#157 - slight corrections to src421/src.contrib/SDTS (M.N.)
         -> added to compiling list src/CMD/lists/GRASS

Version 16 (23. May 98)
#156 - added  src.alpha/vector/v.distance (thanks to Janne Soimasuo)
          Calculates a distance from a point to nearest line or point in vector layer
     - added  src.alpha/vector/v.plant (thanks to S.J.D. Cox at AGCRC, CSIRO, Australia)
          Inserts nodes in equidistance into vector map
     - added src.alpha/scripts/s.out.gps (many thank to Johnny Duke at NRCS)
     - added polygon cutter with vector attributes: src.alpha/scripts/v.cutter.attr 
     - added ARC/INFO TIFF export (with .tfw file): src.alpha/scripts/r.out.arctiff
#155 - added Tasseled cap (Kauth Thomas) transform: src.alpha/scripts/i.tasscap
     - added linear regression calculation:  src.alpha/scripts/r.regression.line 
     - added module to digitize a vector line between two given raster values 
                  in a raster map: src.alpha/scripts/r.edge.dig
     - added display raster module with automated visualization rescaling:
          (many thanks to Dr. Agustin Lobo )
#154 - added (many thanks to Jill Schuler ) 
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.export (replace old SCS code)
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.import (not yet activated, compare
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.in.atlas
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.in.dlg_atr
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.out.atlas
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.out.mapinfo
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.zoom
#153 - added src.alpha/ps.map/scripts/ps.map.barscale
       (thanks to Malcolm D. Williamson, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR)
#152 - renamed src.contrib/SCS/vector/v.proj -> v.proj.scs to avoid
       confusion with src.alpha/mapdev/v.proj
#151 - totally rewritten TclTKGRASS V 2.0! Many, many thanks
       to Jacques Bouchard (bouchard@onera.fr)
         -> new module concept, new module windows etc. etc.
#150 - XGRASS: applied all patches from Jacques Bouchard      
         -> xdigit working now (avoid double clicks on filename etc.!)
#149 - changed all src/CMD/head files: new compiler variables
  inserted following lines:
   FC                  = f77 
   LEX                 = lex
   YACC                = yacc

 changed following Gmakefile: (see also patch #130)
Version 15 (30. April 98)
#148 - added src.alpha/vector/v.digspline into src/CMD/lists/GRASS
  (modified v.digit with spline interpolation)

#147 - change in src/CMD/head/linux
< LDFLAGS             = -Wl -s
> LDFLAGS             = -Wl,-s

#146 - correction for src/raster/r.binfer (Redhat Linux compiling problem fixed now)
       added following line into binfer.l:
         %option yylineno
       See below also for LEX-problem!

#145 - correction of src.alpha/mapdev/v.proj  (sorry, should have been 
       already applied as patch #16, Dec. 1997), file main.c
<       char ctype[3];
>       char ctype[1];

#144 - lots of patches from Marco Valagussa . Thanks!!
       They are the following 18 patches:
#143 - src/display/d.sites/cmd - Added exit status 0 if ok
 file main.c:
<       exit(0)

#142 - src/libes/gis - Added flush the stdout before get the ..
file gets.c:
<       if ( isatty(1) ) (void)fflush(stdout);

#141 - src/raster/r.mapcalc/polish - Compilation problems fixed
 file pol.y:
< %{
< static int nstored = 0;
< static char **storage = 0;
< extern char *malloc(), *realloc();
< %}
> static int nstored = 0;
> static char **storage = 0;
> char *malloc(), *realloc();

#140 - src/mapdev/v.clean - Correct loop on lines# & use of variables
       file Vclean.c: - diffs see there (several)

#139 - src/mapdev/v.digit - Conditional use of VMIN-VTIME/VEOL-EOF
                       for use on old unix systems
       file graph_input.c:
       file set_key.c:  - diffs see there

#138 - src.alpha/vector/v.circle/cmd - Correct some (unbelievable) bugs
       file: main.c: - diffs see there (several)

#137 - src.alpha/raster/r.agnps50 - Correct the installation
       file: Gmakefile

#136 - src.alpha/sites/s.label - Correct definition for argv & use G_gisinit()
       file: s.label.c: - diffs see there

#135 - src/CMD/utils - extended setup version 
       file: setup: - diffs see there

#134 - new file src/CMD/utils/testyacc.y - test yacc/bison
#133 - new file src/CMD/utils/testlex.l  - test lex/flex & library

#132 - src/CMD/generic - delete absolute pathname for mknod
       file: GISGEN.sh

#131 - src/CMD/generic - Inserted the include directory for ncurses.
       file: make.mid: - diffs see there

#130 - There were problems using YACC/BISON, LEX/FLEX, CURSES/NCURSES so 
  script utils/setup was extended for these choice and the Gmakefiles
  changed for the use of yacc/lex.
  This are the Gmakefiles modified for $(YACC) / $(LEX) / $(LEXLIB):
   - src/raster/r.mapcalc/polish/Gmakefile
   - src/raster/r.combine/cmd/Gmakefile
   - src/raster/r.weight/inter/Gmakefile
   - src/raster/r.binfer/Gmakefile

Version 14 (19. April 98)
#129 - MAPGEN improved (gzip, gzcat added, xzoom corrected, better startscript) (M.N.)
#128 - added ARCVIEW/SHAPE-utils in src.alpha/vector/v.shape   activated in            
        src/CMD/lists/GRASS: (there are more)   (M.N.)
     -> src.alpha/vector/v.shape/v.shp2gen  (convert SHAPE to ungenerate)
     -> src.alpha/vector/v.shape/v.gen2shp (convert ungenerate to SHAPE)
     -> src.alpha/vector/v.shape/v.shputils
     -> src.alpha/vector/v.shape/v.dbfdump
           (thanks to Janne Soimasuo for finding the package)
#127 - added src.alpha/scripts/ps.add.pagesize (M.N.)
#126 - added src.alpha/vector/v.digspline (M.N.)
#125 - in src421/src/CMD/head :
      diff linux.orig linux
------------ cut here -------------------------------
< LDFLAGS             = -s
> LDFLAGS             = -Wl -s
------------ cut here -------------------------------
    The Redhad f77 doesn't understand "f77 -s" but "f77 -Wl,-s".
    With gcc, you can use as well "-s" and "-Wl,-s".

#124 - in src/display/devices/XDRIVER_24/XDRIVER24 (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
       corrected Gmakefile:
------------ cut here -------------------------------
< XINCPATH=-I/usr/X11/include
< XLIBPATH=-L/usr/X11/lib
> #XINCPATH=-I/usr/X11/include
> #XLIBPATH=-L/usr/X11/lib
------------- cut here ------------------------------

#123 - in src.alpha/tcltkgrass/module :
        Prevent to use Display/Manage/Control Display Monitor:
   file d.mon
------------- cut here ------------------------------
<     -yscrollcommand {.cmd.frame2.vscrollbar set}
>     -yscrollcommand {.cmd.frame2.vscrollbar set} \
<     -yscrollcommand {.cmd.frame3.vscrollbar set}
>     -yscrollcommand {.cmd.frame3.vscrollbar set} \
------------- cut here ------------------------------

  and file: d.rast  - thanks to Marco Valagussa
------------ cut here -----------------------
<   menu .mapset.frame0.mapsets.pulldown -tearoff 0
>   menu .mapset.frame0.mapsets.pulldown
------------ cut here -----------------------

#122 -  src421/src.alpha/sites/s.geom/libes/optri:
   Changed back to original and saved two files for bsd-linux:
    mv heur.slope.c heur.slope.c.bsd
    mv heur.slope.c.orig heur.slope.c
    mv pqe2qe.c pqe2qe.c.bsd
    mv pqe2qe.c.orig pqe2qe.c

Version 13 (15. April 98)
#121 - new LTPlus_4.13 added (Many thanks to Jill Schuler!) (M.N.)
       several corrections were necessary:
#120 - new MAPGEN_6.25 added (upgrade in src.related/mapgen_6.25) (M.N.)
       (Many thanks to Jill Schuler !)
       several corrections were necessary:  
#119 - coming along with this package: proj 4.3 
       (binary will be stored in grass42/tools/)
#118 - tcltkgrass free of binary code now (platform independent)
       -> new start script  src.alpha/tcltkgrass/script/tcltkgrass
        unless "super view" is not implemented properly
#117 - activated src.alpha/raster/r.in.bin in src/CMD/lists/GRASS
#116 - src.alpha/ps.map changed: patch, which enables user to choose one vector
                   category to print from a vector file (thanks to Janne
                   Soimasuo, Finnland!)
       in src421/src.alpha/ps.map/ps.map/cmd/
                do_vectors.c, vectfile.c, ps_vector.c, vector.h
#115 - src.alpha/ps.map/ps.map/cmd/read_cfg.c
       added:     #include  (correction of raster read error)
       Thanks to Richard Nairn 
#114 - added src.alpha/raster/r.sunmask (thanks to Janne Soimasuo)
#113 - added src.alpha/scripts/s.in.gps
#112 - added src.alpha/scripts/v.in.gps
#111 - src/general/g.help/menu.c
       changes in menu.c  (Thanks to Jacques Bouchard !)
#110 - renamed d.vect.cat -> d.vect.cats
        in src.contrib/CAST/d.vect.cats/Gmakefile
#109 - added fill polygon function to d.vect.cats (thanks to Janne Soimasuo, Finnland!)
#108  - renamed r.out.sites -> r.to.sites
        in src.contrib/CORPS/r.to.sites/Gmakefile
#107 - renamed d.rast.leg.sh -> d.rast.leg
       and moved src.alpha/display/d.rast.leg/ -> src.alpha/scripts

Version 12 (1. April 98)
#106- NEW STRUCTURE: all src.extra modules are now in src.alpha
                to keep the CERL/BAYLOR structure
#105- src.alpha/tcltkgrass: running now! Only super view is missing (many 
      thanks to Jacques Bouchard !!)
#104- src.alpha/scripts/r.out.bil added (thanks to T. D'Avello for grass2bil)

Version 11a (21. March 98)
#103- r.out.hdf is available now: corrected Gmakefile in  (M.N.)
#102- moved programs from zzz_extra to src.related (to keep the structure)
#101- XGRASS: added src/xgrass/xgrasteredit (M.N.)
#100- TclTK-Grass: new version (cleaned source code) for Tcl/TK 8.0
      in src.extra/tcltkgrass/
#99- src.extra/sites/s.sample updated
#98- src/raster/r.infer - corrected for Redhat Linux, Solaris and Slackware
        'sys_errlist[errno]' should be replaced with 'strerror(errno)',
        which IS 'ANSI C', and which should be understood by EVERY
        C compiler. 
#97- removed src.extra/raster/r.flow (was already in src.alpha-section)
#96- corrected SGI-head file (removed space characters in end of line)
#95- GRASS-SDTS software added in src.contrib/SDTS/

Version 10 (11. March 98)
#94- added src.extra/tcltkgrass  -> Tcl/Tk-GRASS might be interesting 
                                  instead of XGRASS 
#93- updated man-pages as far as possible (for g.help, g.manual)

#92- added src.extra/sites/s.in.ascii.dem 
#91- added src.extra/scripts/d.rast.leg
#90- new Gmakefile for AGNPS 5.0
   in    src.extra/erosion/grass_agnps50

#89- added untested/driver/hpd500c
#88- added untested/gnuplot/g.gnuplot.3d
#87- added untested/sites/s.normal/cdhc-lib
#86- added untested/usle.tcl
#85- added src.related/LTPlus/documents
#84- corrected Gmakefiles in src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.linear.regression
#83- the correction for r.infer was removed. The original infer.h is
   back again

Version 9  (3. March 98)
Major changes:
#82- new library file: 
    is replaced by a completely new source code. 
    A minor bugfix was done in
    Thanks to Michel Wurtz! - 
    It should produce nice results now.

#81- a lot of bugfixing in XGRASS-section (but it is still not yet
     Thanks to Jacques Bouchard who is programming all these XGRASS improvements!        

#80- src.extra/raster/r.flow
    diff -c calc.11a.c calc.11a.c.orig 
       *** calc.11a.c  Fri Feb 27 12:13:41 1998
       --- calc.11a.c.orig     Tue Jul 25 20:51:50 1995
       *** 354,359 ****
       --- 354,360 ----
       +     free(fls);

#79- r.in.hdf/r.out.hdf available:
    -corrected src.alpha/raster/r.hdf/HDF.lib/Makefile
    -corrected src.alpha/raster/r.hdf/r.in.hdf/Gmakefile 
    -corrected src.alpha/raster/r.hdf/r.out.hdf/Gmakefile
    The module should work now for all platforms. Choose you platforms
    in HDF.lib/Makefile, it is now installed for SUN and Linux. 
    -src.garden/grass.hdf is obsolete -> deleted!
#78- corrected src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.rvi
#77- correction for src.extra/r.tiff/r.in.tiff
#76- new Gmakefile for AGNPS 5.0
    in    src.extra/erosion/grass_agnps50
    and new install-intructions there.

Minor changes:
#75- corrected all head-files in src/CMD/head : 
     < DEFAULT_DATABASE    = $GISBASE/grass_data
     > DEFAULT_DATABASE    = $(GISBASE)/grass_data

#74- renamed following modules in src.extra:
      r.frac.surf  -> r.surf.fractal
      r.gauss.surf -> r.surf.gauss 
      r.rand.surf  -> r.surf.random

   renamed src./display/d.p.labels -> d.paint.labels

#73- included src.garden/answers erosion modelling
#72- moved src.extra/raster/r.fill.dir
   to src.garden/answers/raster where it belongs to.

#71- included CELL-driver in src421/src/CMD/lists/GRASS
   This CELL-driver outputs all results of the d. display-commands
   into a raster file (resolution can be set with g.region)
#70- included src.extra/paint/p.vrml from untested section
#69- added src.extra/raster/r.in.bin (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
#68- included src.contrib/CORPS/r.to.sites
#67- included src.contrib/CORPS/FLOOD

BETA 8  (5. Feb. 98)
#66- Added src421/zzz_extra
      - moved mpeg-encoder from src.alpha/raster/r.out.mpeg to this place
      - added netcdf-libs for r.stage3 (lib has to be compiled separately)
      - added lesstiff (version 0.83, from 4. Feb. 98)
        has to be compiled separately
           - install package somewhere
           - say: configure
           - say: make
           - say: make install
           - say: make clean
           - feel happy
        (Successfully tested on Slackware Linux with gcc 2.7.x)

#65-  Compilation of XGRASS:
           - Change gmake4.2 to HASMOTIF=yes
             (Thanks to Jacques Bouchard for the diffs)
         - Then you should be able to compile XGRASS without Motif
        -> tell me your improvements.

#64- Added src421/src.related (untested)
         - LTPlus           (untested)
         - mapgen/xmapgen   (untested)
         - gctp             (successfully tested on Linux)
         - xgen             (untested)

BETA 7  (4. Feb. 98)
Special thanks to Jacques Bouchard!

#63- Redhat users: if you have problems to compile r.infer and r.binfer:
        -> in the directories src/raster/r.binfer and
           you find new files (extension: .redhat) which help
           to fix these problems. You have to exchange the
           original files with these new files
#62- included src.contrib/NMSU/WRAT 
      - ga/ga.c:  include definitions corrected (colons deleted)
      - wrat/ta.c: include definitions corrected (colons deleted)
      - wrat/runoff.c: the same
      - wrat/qual.c: the same
      - and so on.
      - remove.c remove -> Remove

      - wrat is called r.wrat now.

#61- src.alpha/misc/m.in.pl94.db3/m.in.pl94.db.c  
      Sucessfully patched - diff-file is there

#60- src.alpha/misc/m.in.stf1.db3/m.in.stf1.db.c  
      Sucessfully patched - diff-file is there

#59- src421/src.alpha/raster/r.flow/ 
      I have corrected the Gmakefile: $(DIR) was wrong.

#58- included src.contrib/OTHER/v.in.poly
#57- included src.contrib/OTHER/v.reg (for registration of 7.5" maps)

#56- removed src.contrib/OTHER/s.to.rast (obsolete, already in src.alpha)

#55- src.contrib/CERL/imagery/
    i.rvi.prediction2 -> i.rvi.prediction (renamed)
    included in src/CMD/lists/GRASS

#54- src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.ndvi.model
    corrected Gmakefile (module was stored at ./ and not in binary tree)

#53- src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.ndvi.model
    corrected globals.h: NBANDS was undefined:
        #define NBANDS 3
    (taken from ../../imagery/i.rvi.prediction)

    corrected main.c
      line 44:
           opt2->mutilple   = YES;
           opt2->multiple   = YES;
    some error is still there.

#52- Corrections for the FIRE package (r.spreadpath etc.)
    There were several errors in Pi-definition:
    float PI=3.14159

    Errors like:
     gcc -O -m486  -I/usr/local/grass42/src421/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c
     spread.c:48: parse error before 3.14159265358979323846
     make: *** [OBJ.linux/spread.o] Error 1

   After commenting these PI-definitions in
     main.c - line 51
     spread.c - line 48
     select_linksB.c - line 36
     spot.c - l.61

   it compiles fine on Slackware Linux gcc 2.7.1
#51- some new comments in src/CMD/lists/GRASS 

#50- restructured src.alpha/raster/r.in.hdf  (nearly running now)

BETA 6  (29.1.98)
#49- the package was splitted - documents are in an extra package
    now (because of package size)
#48- the instructions were improved to be more clearly
#47- corrections src/mapdev/v.in.dxf
    (thanks to Jacques Bouchard  )

      In file included from add_bounds.c:5:
      dxf2vect.h:53: >basename< redeclared as different kind of symbol
      /usr/include/string.h:245: previous declaration of >basename<
      make: *** [OBJ.linux/add_bounds.o] Error 1
      Changed >basename< into >base_name< in:
#46- added r.affinity classifier to src.extra/raster section

BETA 5  (27.1.98)
#45- XDRIVER24 restructured !!
      find XDRIVER 8bit:  src421/src/display/devices/XDRIVER_8
      find XDRIVER 24bit: src421/src/display/devices/XDRIVER_24
    (moved XDRIVER24 from src.extra to src/display/devices and 

#44- included d.area, d.barscale, d.myzoom, d.pan
#43- update for r.bilinear: irint defined (thanks to George Chou - gchou@gpz.com)
#42- update for r.nntool (thanks to George Chou - gchou@gpz.com)
#41- new: - src.contrib/NRCS/raster/r.in.doq - reads in an uncompressed USGS
                                            Digitial Orthophotography  
         - src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.report - this file works but it is picky
                      about the dig_cats file.  It wants a line for 0:nodata 
                      and it appreciates it if the number of attributes are 
                      numbered beginning with one.
         - src/mapdev/v.mkquads - same as other but you can make quarter 
                                quads, thirds, 1x3 
    => Thanks to Anthony Burns 
         (email: KY#c#KY.BLNKY01#c#agburns@KCC.FSA.USDA.GOV)
#40- included v.line2area from moon.cecer.army.mil into src.alpha/scripts
    (useful for v.in.dxf3d)
#39- updated documents (included GRASS 4.2 docs) and history.
#38- new section:
       files_for_binary_installation/   -> postscript printer devicefiles
    read README there for installation
#37- renamed untested/raster/r.read -> r.in.milgeo (module for german MilGeo-Data)
#36- restructured documentation

BETA 4  (19.1.98)
#35 - the corrections for v.build and v.clean are included.
       Many thanks to Michel Wurtz - LTE 
#34 - one new module: v.what (query vector categories)

BETA 3 (11.1.98)

#33 - cleared off some unused source code from src.contrib/SCS
      to avoid confusion.
#32 - g.help gives problems while compiling, commented out in
      Who can help? But I think it is not serious to miss the module...
#31 - bugfix for ps.select integrated
#30 - bugfix for v.support (the old 4.1.5 bugfix from CERL) in level_two.c
#29 - update r.param.scale (Version: Jo Wood, 23rd May, 1995)
#28 - added several modules to src421/untested-area
#27 - several new modules in src.extra-section (partly from untested-section) 
         with small corrections (see Whats-new-in-421.html)
#26 - extended src421/documents/modules/ - documentation


#25)  New modules:
        r.tiff  (src.extra) - but 8bit version only!
        r.le version 2.2 (src.alpha)

#24)  Deleted some modules in untested/ area which are already
      in src.alpha.

BETA 1 (7.1.98)

#23) Problem 2: The v.digit does not have contact to GRASS Monitor.

Solution (thanks to Michel Wurtz): 

v.digit compiles, but doesn't work
because an old assumption on Termio : in System V.2, reading a
serial line without the need of a LF is possible, but the driver
wait at least VMIN char on input or VTIME ms before returning
anything.  In older termio libs, VEOF=VTIME and VEOL=VMIN (or
the opposite), but this is not true with Linux
(See /usr/include/asm/termbits.h).

If you want run v.digit you should edit line 50 and 51 of the
file "set_key.c", replacing VEOL and VEOF by VTIME and VMIN.

This is for keyboard entry. I have not yet tested the digitizers,
but I'm sure that it will not work without editing "graph_input.c"
at lines 598 and 599, doing the same change.

Michel Wurtz    ENGEES - Laboratoire Territoires & Environnement
                1, quai Koch - BP 1039, F-67070 STRASBOURG cedex


Other solution:

 Take the libcurses from Slackware 3.3 (to be installed in /usr/lib)

#22) r.nntool: could not be compiled.

Solution   (thanks to Michel Wurtz):

 Obviously, the external declarations are often missing... and
 some are redundant (and may be false, like FILE *fclose() !)
 nint() is used as a function, and a cast to integer.  I have
 replaced all occurences by (int) which is correct with gcc.

Changes to basic GRASS 4.2 from Baylor University (Dec. 1997)

#1) The first problem appears here (with Linux, not with Solaris):

  >make -f OBJ.linux/make.rules
  >gcc  -o /home/phisan/tmp/grass4.2/etc/front.end OBJ.linux/main.o
  >  /home/phisan/tmp/grass4.2/src/libes/LIB.linux/libgis.a
  > /home/phisan/tmp/grass4.2/src/libes/LIB.linux/libgis.a(gisinit.o): 
  >In function G__gisinit':
  >gisinit.o(.text+0xc): undefined reference to G__set_program_name'
  >gisinit.o(.text+0x1b): undefined reference to G__location_path'

  cd ../src/libes/gis/
  textedit Gmakefile

  Remove the character '#'.
   #   intr_char.o\

  Should look like this: (intr_char will be used in i.class)

  Comments are not allowed here (and unnecessary!).

#2) You _might_ get a problem in d.3d:

   textedit src42/src/CMD/head/linux.head
     CURSES              = -lncurses $(TERMLIB)
     CURSES              = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)

#3) r.combine:

    OBJ.linux/gis_lxcl.o: In function yylex':
    OBJ.linux/gis_lxcl.o(.text+0x5a1): undefined reference to yyinput'
    make[1]: *** [/usr/local/grass42/etc/r.combine] Error 1

 Solution: yyinput() is for C++, use input() for linux flex 

    modify src/raster/r.combine/cmd/gis_lxcl.l - line 176 
        change from 
           while ((achar=yyinput()) != 012) 
           while ((achar = input()) != 012) 

  (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#4) r.nntool (1)
    > cc -O -m486 -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/mapdev/Vlib
    > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/mapdev/diglib
    > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c net.cnet.c:41:
    > /usr2/grass4.0/src/libes/gis.h: No such file or directory
    > make: *** [OBJ.linux/net.o] Error 1
   cd ../src.alpha/raster/r.nntool

   Edit net.c
    Change in line 41:
       #include "/usr2/grass4.0/src/libes/gis.h"
       #include  "gis.h"

  Also edit Gmakefile
   Remove second line:
     BIN_ALPHA_CMD = .
   Then the binary file will be installed in the correct directory.

#5) r.nntool (2) Several files had been corrected.
    Thanks to 
      Michel Wurtz    ENGEES - Laboratoire Territoires & Environnement

#6) r.cn
    > cc -s -o /usr/local/grass42/etc/bin/alpha/cmd OBJ.linux/main.o
    > OBJ.linux/cell_open.o OBJ.linux/hy_soil_group.o OBJ.linux/cell_open_new.o
    > OBJ.linux/rules.o OBJ.linux/data.o OBJ.linux/amc_conversion.o
    > /usr/local/grass42/src42/src/libes/LIB.linux/libgis.a -lm
    > /usr/i486-linux/bin/ld: cannot open output file
    > /usr/local/grass42/etc/bin/alpha/cmd: Is a directory
    > make: *** [/usr/local/grass42/etc/bin/alpha/cmd] Error 1

     cd src.alpha/raster/r.cn
     textedit Gmakefile

     Delete lines:
            # %W% %G%
            BIN = $(BIN_ALPHA_CMD)

     Change line:
            $(BIN)/$(PGM): $(LIST) $(LIBES)
            $(BIN_ALPHA_CMD)/$(PGM): $(LIST) $(LIBES)

#7) r.agnps
    source code is obsolete: this code is oldish!

    Use AGNPS 5.0 with GRASS-interface:
    - also included in grass42/src.extra -section (src421-package)!

#8) r.bilinear
   > OBJ.linux/bilinear.o: In function Bilinear':
   > OBJ.linux/bilinear.o(.text+0xa17): undefined reference to 'irint'
   > make: *** [/usr/local/grass42/etc/bin/alpha/cmd/r.bilinear] Error 1
   > GISGEN failure at STEP: src.alpha/raster/r.bilinear
   outcell[out++] = irint (ns_fract * tmp2 + (1 - ns_fract....)

   Function "irint" does not exist in gcc!
     correct the function in this line (delete character "i"):
        irint (ns_fract * tmp2 + (1 - ns_fract....)
        (int)rint (ns_fract * tmp2 + (1 - ns_fract....)

    Thanks to Phisan Santitamnont  

#9) r.in.hdf

   > cc -O -m486 -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/../src.contrib/grass.hdf/HDF.lib/include
   > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/mapdev/Vlib
   > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/mapdev/diglib -D
   > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c r.in.hdf.c
   > r.in.hdf.c:0: malformed option -D -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include'
   > r.in.hdf.c:15: gis.h: No such file or directory
   > r.in.hdf.c:16: df.h: No such file or directory
   > r.in.hdf.c:17: hdf.h: No such file or directory
   > make: *** [OBJ.linux/r.in.hdf.o] Error 1

   r.in.hdf uses the NCSA Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) library: BEFORE
   compiling this program, you must compile the library (see the README
   file in src.garden/grass.hdf for instructions on compiling the HDF

   Solution: not today.... (who needs this module at all?)
    kick it out of: src/CMD/lists/GRASS  (comment it out with #)
    change entry in: src/CMD/next_step/linux


   Only with MOTIF (commercial)!
   Solution: ---------- (maybe lesstif etc.?)

   kick it out of: src/CMD/lists/GRASS   (comment it out with #)
   change entry in: src/CMD/next_step/linux

#11) r.rvi

    > cc -O -m486  -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c main.c
    > main.c: In function main':
    > main.c:26: BANDS' undeclared (first use this function)
    > main.c:26: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    > main.c:26: for each function it appears in.)
    > main.c:44: structure has no member named utilple'
    > main.c:58: ' undeclared (first use this function)
    > main.c:64:       inputfiles' undeclared (first use this function)
    > main.c:67: outputfiles' undeclared (first use this function)
    > make: *** [OBJ.linux/main.o] Error 1
    > GISGEN failure at STEP: src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.rvi

 Solution: ---------- 
 kick it out of: src/CMD/lists/GRASS  (comment it out with #)
 change entry in: src/CMD/next_step/linux

#12) d.linegraph

    > cc -O -m486  -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c
    > linegraph.c
    > linegraph.c: In function Main':
    > linegraph.c:77: conflicting types for Fclose'
    > /usr/include/stdio.h:113: previous declaration of Fclose'
    > make[1]: *** [OBJ.linux/linegraph.o] Error 1
    > make[1]: Leaving directory
    > /usr/local/grass42/src42/src.contrib/PURDUE/d.linegraph/cmd'
    > make: *** [all] Error 1

 Solution: fclose and fopen were repeated defined 
   comment out line 77 in the 
    src.contrib/PURDUE/d.linegraph/cmd/linegraph.c file 
     /*   FILE *fclose(), *fopen(); */
  (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#13) d.vect.cats

 problem - compiled successfully but doesn't run correctly 

 why -  pointer error 

  modify the src.contrib/CAST/d.vect.cats/plotCat.c - line 91 
        change from 

  (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#14) problems with the ps.map command (Linux)
       1. the ps.map needs to be compiled with the -fwritable-strings flag
       2. the way is to edit the src/CMD/head/linux header file
             + add -fwritable-strings at the end of COMPILE_FLAGS line
               COMPILE_FLAGS = -O -fwritable-strings
             + cd to src.alpha/ps.map
             + simple run gmake4.2

#15) src/mapdev/v.build

  problem - compiled successfully but doesn't run correctly 

  why - GRASS codes were not cleaned up before release 

    comment out line 176 and 177 in src/mapdev/Vlib/level_two.c 

    (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#16) src.alpha/mapdev/v.proj

  problem - compiled successfully but doesn't run correctly 
    produce lots of garbage output for files in the dig_att directory 

  why -  ????? 


    modify src.alpha/mapdev/v.proj/main.c - line 27 
        change from 

    (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#17) s.surf.tps

    Problem: compiling is fine, but module does not work

      textedit user1.c
      insert definition of atof() at top:

          double atof();

    (mail from J. Hovierka)

#18) src.contrib/SCS/vector/v.dump

  Problem: does not compile, ABS definition missing.

  Solution: Insert the ABS-definition: in isle_area.c

    isle_area (map, isle, totalarea)
    struct Map_info *map;
    int  isle;
    double *totalarea;

    isle_area (map, isle, totalarea)
    struct Map_info *map;
    int  isle;
    #define ABS(x)          (((x) < 0) ? -(x) : (x))
    double *totalarea;

#19) r.hydro.casc2d is obviously missing!

    Problem: There is an error in the Gmakefile.
      cd src.alpha/raster/r.casc2d
      textedit Gmakefile
      Insert linebreak in this line:
      Like this:

      And remove line:
#20) r.sun is obviously missing!

    Problem: There is an error in the Gmakefile.
      cd src.alpha/raster/r.sun
      textedit Gmakefile
     Uncomment (remove #):   

      And remove line:

#21) i.tape.spot is obviously missing!

    Problem: There is an error in the Gmakefile.
      cd src.alpha/imagery/i.tape.spot
      textedit Gmakefile

     Insert at beginning:
      PGM = i.tape.spot

     Change line:
       i.st: $(LIST) $(LIBES) $(VASKLIB)