Supported is a limited set of SQL functions and operators.
ALTER TABLE table ADD [COLUMN] columndef CREATE TABLE table ( columndefs ) DROP TABLE table SELECT columns FROM table SELECT columns FROM table WHERE condition DELETE FROM table DELETE FROM table WHERE condition INSERT INTO table values INSERT INTO table ( columns ) values UPDATE table SET assignments UPDATE table SET assignments WHERE condition
"=" : equal "<" : smaller than "<=" : smaller/equal than ">" : larger than ">=" : larger/equal than "<>" : not equal "~" : Substring matching
select * from some_table where (3*(some_field - another_field) > 5)The parser does not know about precedence yet, so the sub-clause has to be in brackets to avoid ambiguity.
d.vect map where="individual='juvenile' and area='beach'"
d.vect trapping_sites_points fcol=black icon=basic/diamond col=white size=13 \ where="valley <> 'LAMAR' OR (valley = 'LAMAR' AND description = 'extensive trapping')"
Select all attributes from table where str1 column values are not 'No Name':
echo "SELECT * FROM archsites WHERE str1 <> 'No Name'" |
Last changed: $Date: 2005/05/10 09:58:07 $