north: floating point south: floating point east: floating point west: floating point top: floating point bottom: floating point rows: integer cols: integer levels: integerThis header is followed by the cell values in floating point format organized in rows with constant col and level coordinate. The rows are organized by constant level coordinate. Individual cell values are separated by space or CR.
NOTE: Currently, after the file has been imported, the stored values are compared with the original data. This feature is used to find bugs in the library at an early stage and will be turned off as soon as confidence has built up.
north: 3.0 south: 0.0 east: 4.0 west: 0.0 top: 2.0 bottom: 0.0 rows: 3 cols: 4 levels: 2 x1,y1,z1 x2,y1,z1 x3,y1,z1 x4,y1,z1 x1,y2,z1 x2,y2,z1 x3,y2,z1 x4,y2,z1 x1,y3,z1 x2,y3,z1 x3,y3,z1 x4,y3,z1 x1,y1,z2 x2,y1,z2 x3,y1,z2 x4,y1,z2 x1,y2,z2 x2,y2,z2 x3,y2,z2 x4,y2,z2 x1,y3,z2 x2,y3,z2 x3,y3,z2 x4,y3,z2
Sample ASCII voxel map with one layer and several rows and columns (Spearfish area):
north: 4925010.000000 south: 4924890.000000 east: 596760.000000 west: 596610.000000 top: 1.000000 bottom: 0.000000 rows: 4 cols: 5 levels: 1 1204.74 1204.48 1204.19 1203.81 1203.39 1203.89 1203.67 1203.34 1202.98 1202.43 1203.05 1202.80 1202.51 1202.11 1201.48 1202.10 1201.92 1201.62 1201.27 1200.68
Last changed: $Date: 2006-10-16 05:20:14 -0700 (Mon, 16 Oct 2006) $
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