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Note: A new GRASS GIS stable version has been released: GRASS GIS 7.8, available here.
Updated manual page: here

Topic: profile

d.profile Plots profile of a transect.
r.profile Outputs the raster map layer values lying on user-defined line(s).
r.transect Outputs raster map layer values lying along user defined transect line(s).
r3.cross.rast Creates cross section 2D raster map from 3D raster map based on 2D elevation map
v.profile Vector map profiling tool

See also the corresponding keyword profile for additional references.

Note: A new GRASS GIS stable version has been released: GRASS GIS 7.8, available here.
Updated manual page: here

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© 2003-2020 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.6.2dev Reference Manual