Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that has been discontinued. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.
r.fidimo - Calculating fish dispersal in a river network from source populations with species specific dispersal parameters
Fish Dispersal Model
r.fidimo --help
r.fidimo [-bar] [river=string] [coors=x,y] [barriers=string] [passability_col=name] [n_source=number[%]] [source_populations=string] [species=string] [l=integer] [ar=float] [t=integer] [p=float] [habitat_attract=string] [habitat_p=string] [truncation=string] [seed1=integer] [seed2=integer] [output=name] [statistical_interval=name] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]
- -b
- Don't keep basic vector maps (source_points, barriers)
- -a
- Keep all temporal vector and raster maps
- -r
- Source population input are real fish counts per cell. Backtransformation into fish counts will be performed.
- --overwrite
- Allow output files to overwrite existing files
- --help
- Print usage summary
- --verbose
- Verbose module output
- --quiet
- Quiet module output
- --ui
- Force launching GUI dialog
- river=string
- River network (raster, e.g. output from r.watershed)
- coors=x,y
- River networks' outlet coordinates: E,N
- barriers=string
- Barrier point file (vector map)
- passability_col=name
- Column name indicating passability value (0-1) of barrier
- n_source=number[%]
- Either: Number of random cells with source populations
- source_populations=string
- Or: Source population raster (relative or absolute occurrence)
- species=string
- Select fish species
- Options: Custom species, Catostomus commersoni, Moxostoma duquesnii, Moxostoma erythrurum, Ambloplites rupestris, Lepomis auritus, Lepomis cyanellus, Lepomis macrochirus, Lepomis megalotis, Micropterus dolomieui, Micropterus punctulatus, Micropterus salmoides, Pomoxis annularis, Cottus bairdii, Cottus gobio, Abramis brama, Barbus barbus, Cyprinus carpio carpio, Gobio gobio, Leuciscus idus, Rutilus rutilus, Squalius cephalus, Tinca tinca, Esox lucius, Fundulus heteroclitus heteroclitus, Ameiurus natalis, Ictalurus punctatus, Morone americana, Etheostoma flabellare, Etheostoma nigrum, Perca fluviatilis, Percina nigrofasciata, Sander lucioperca, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus gilae, Salmo salar, Salmo trutta fario, Salvelinus fontinalis, Salvelinus malma malma, Thymallus thymallus, Aplodinotus grunniens, Salmo trutta, Gobio gobio, Rutilus rutilus
- l=integer
- Fish Length [mm] (If no species is given, range=39-810)
- ar=float
- Aspect Ratio of Caudal Fin (If no species is given) (valid range 0.51 - 2.29)
- t=integer
- Time interval for model step [d]
- Options: 1-3650
- Default: 30
- p=float
- Share of the stationary component (valid range 0 - 1)
- Default: 0.67
- habitat_attract=string
- Attractiveness of habitat used as weighting factor (sink effect, habitat-dependent dispersal)
- habitat_p=string
- Spatially varying and habitat-dependent p factor (float: 0-1, source effect, habitat-dependent dispersal)
- truncation=string
- kernel truncation criterion (precision)
- Options: 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.995, 0.999, 0.99999, 0.999999999, inf
- Default: 0.99
- seed1=integer
- fixed seed for generating dispersal parameters
- seed2=integer
- fixed seed for multinomial realisation step
- output=name
- Base name for output raster
- Default: fidimo_out
- statistical_interval=name
- Statistical Intervals
- Options: no, Confidence Interval, Prediction Interval, Random Value within Confidence Interval
- Default: no
r.fidimo performs analysis of fish dispersal based on
leptokurtic dispersal kernels. It calculates fish dispersal along river
corridors based on a user's stream network input, fish source populations
and species-specific dispersal parameters.
- river
- Name of input stream network map (thinned raster map) on which the
calculations of dispersal is performed. In cases of very meandering rivers
(with bends narrower than the spatial resolution of the analysis (cell size)
it is recommended to run v.generalize and r.thin and/or to use
r.fidimo.river in advance. The stream network should only consist
of tree-like structures, as braiding rivers and networks with two-side
connected side arms will not work. Check the raster beforehand carefully!
- outflow_point
- Name of the outflow point txt-file (single point) for the calculation
of the flow direction within the provided river network. The text-file
must only contain a single |-separated coordinate pair (X|Y; same
coordinate system as the river network raster). The file should not
contain any headings, etc. e.g. the content of the file can look like:
- barriers
- Name of input barrier text-file indicating the geographical position
and passability of barriers e.g. weirs. The file should contain the
X and Y coordinate and a value for passability (0-1 where 0 is
impassable and 1 is 100% passable). The values must be |-separated:
The source populations can be provided either as random points (flag -r),
or as fixed source population raster (flag -f).
- n_source
- For the random locations; number or percentage of cells containing
source populations. The model selects randomly cell (number specified
by the user) and assigns a starting density of 1 to each occupied cell.
- source_populations
- Input raster map indicating the starting density per cell. All
cells with densities > 0 will act as source populations for the model.
The raster map must have the resolution as the river raster and all
source population cells must also be part of the river raster.
- species
- Selected species with predefined L and AR (see R-package 'fishmove').
- L
- Length of fish which should be modelled. Increasing L is positively
correlated with larger dispersal distances. Setting L will overwrite any
species-settings (see R-package 'fishmove').
- AR
- Aspect ratio of the caudal fin of a fish which should be modelled.
Increasing AR is positively correlated with larger dispersal distances.
etting AR will overwrite any species-settings (see R-package 'fishmove').
- T
- Time interval for one modelling step. The dispersal kernel is time
dependent and increasing T is positively correlated with larger dispersal
distances (see R-package 'fishmove').
- p
- Share of the stationary component of the population. The value is
set to 0.67 by default (my Paper).
- output
- The base name of the output file(s). The output raster files will
be %output%_fit respectively %output%_lwr and %output%_upr if a
statistical interval is set.
- statistical_interval
- Statistical interval (confidence or prediction) derived from the
regression analysis (see R-package 'fishmove'). If a statistical interval
is set, three output maps will be created (fit, lwr and upr).
- RPy2
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Sqlite3
Johannes Radinger, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland
Fisheries, Berlin (Germany)
Available at:
r.fidimo source code
Latest change: Sunday Feb 16 10:30:43 2025 in commit: 4fc7ea47d149dcfae74c462f618bb19b8f08a48a
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