rle21.linux.tar.gz is a binary version of r.le.* 2.1 programs for Linux OS. The package is gzipped and contains also ps versions of the document and figures. These binaries are compiled with linux kernel 1.1.54 libc.4.5.24 & libm.4.5.24 gcc 2.5.8 XFree2.1 (X11R5) If you have XFree3.1 (X11R6) you might need xfree2.1 shared libraries installed (I'm not sure about this). Install this package in your $GISBASE (grass directory, where you can find man, bin, dev, driver fonts ... subdirectories) with commands cd $GISBASE (or cd ~grass/....) ^ whatever is your path tar zxvf rle21.linux.tar.gz Move Documents (*.ps.gz) place you what to have them and print them with a PostScript printer. Linux-binaries: Janne Soimasuo, Janne.Soimasuo@joensuu.fi r.le.* programs: Bill Baker, bakerwl@uwyo.edu