0/4    $10.00

Another working day begins for Lanson Rose, private investigator. I got three clients waiting outside my office, and beyond that, a town full of creeps, clowns, mobsters and, if you know where to look, the occasional honest citizen. When trouble is your business, you're rarely short of work in New Losago.

DETECTIVELAND, by Robin Johnson

For instructions, touch:

I'm in my office.


Talking to: nobody

Ask about:
I'm in my office.
I can also see:
  • door reading "EVITCETED ETAVIRP"
  • filing cabinet
  • bookcase
  • book titled "1001 Detectiving Tips" (on bookcase)
I'm carrying:

Display options


font size:

Print room title in scroller: Always Landscape only Never

List objects in scroller: Always Landscape only Never

Sound: Sound effects Music


Written, designed and programmed by Robin Johnson <>.

Music composed and performed by the author.
- Main theme: alto saxophone, U-bass and cajon
- Streets theme: U-bass and cajon
- Speakeasy theme: alto saxophone, U-bass, banjo and cajon
- Italian theme: guitar, bouzouki and maracas
- Moonshiners' theme: banjo in G minor
- Spooky theme: digital piano and melodica
- Tunnel theme: digital piano

This game uses the free font "Rough Typewriter", available at, and artwork from various old pulp novel \ and magazine covers, with thanks to

Testers: David Court, Brendan Hennessy, Mathbrush, Mike Preston, Eve Morris, Andrew Schultz.

Thanks to the IFComp organisers, and to the good people of the forum and the euphoria &if channel, and to Eve.