
htmlcolors - Static Color manipulation utilities

License: LGPL
Vendor: JPackage Project
HTMLColors is an Open Source Java class that contains a
collection of static methods to manipulate and convert
java.awt.Color objects into HTML hexadecimal color
representation (#RRGGBB) and vice versa.
The HTMLColors class is useful at least in three common
development situations:
* creation of Web-based documents (HTML, XHTML, CSS, ...);
* parsing and processing Web-based documents (HTML, XHTML,
  CSS, ...);
* store and retrieve colors information on text-based
  configuration files (TXT, XML, HTML, ...); this last
  case means that this class can be virtually used in any
  Java-based application that uses colors.


htmlcolors-1.0.002-1.jpp6.noarch [17 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2010-05-23):
- First release
htmlcolors-1.0.002-1.jpp6.src [65 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2010-05-23):
- First release

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