
livetribe-slp - Livetribe SLP implementation

License: Apache 2.0 License
Vendor: JPackage Project
The LiveTribe :: SLP module is an implementation, written in
Java and deployable in any standard OSGi framework, of SLP,
the Service Location Protocol.
The Service Location Protocol provides a scalable framework
for the discovery and selection of network services.
Traditionally, users have had to find services by knowing the
name of the host (or its network address). SLP eliminates the
need for the user to know the name of the host that provides
a service; rather, the user provides the desired type of
service and optional attributes that further describe the
service, and SLP resolves the network address on behalf of
the user.


livetribe-slp-1.0.2-1.jpp6.src [84 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2012-09-23):
- First release

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