
mojo-gwt-maven-plugin - Maven GWT Plugin

License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: JPackage Project
GWT Maven Plugin supports :
* GWT compiler execution for packaging your application into
  a WAR Compile and Debug
* generate GWT internationalization ("i18n") interfaces from
  bundles Internationalization
* running tests (or test suites) based on GWTTestCase
  framework as part of Maven build , Testing Support
* run (or debug) the Hosted browser from Maven Hosted Mode
* generate boiler code for GWT-RPC Async interface from
  synchronous server-side interfaces Generate Async
  interfaces for GWT-RPC
* integrate nicelly into Eclipse, thanks to M2Eclipse and
  Google Eclipse plugins.


mojo-gwt-maven-plugin-2.2.0-1.jpp6.src [632 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2011-06-24):
- first release
mojo-gwt-maven-plugin-2.2.0-1.jpp6.noarch [161 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2011-06-24):
- first release

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