
openid4java - OpenID for Java

License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: JPackage Project
OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify
themselves on the Internet the same way websites do - with
a URI. Since URIs are at the very core of Web architecture,
they provide a solid foundation for user-centric identity.
The first piece of the OpenID framework is authentication
-- how you prove ownership of a URI. Today, websites
require usernames and passwords to login, which means that
many people use the same password everywhere. With OpenID
Authentication, your username is your URI, and your
password (or other credentials) stays safely stored on
your OpenID Provider (which you can run yourself, or use a
third-party identity provider).
For more information about the OpenID protocol please
refer to the specification at:


openid4java-0.9.6-3.jpp6.noarch [195 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2012-01-22):
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openid4java-0.9.6-3.jpp6.src [9.3 MiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2012-01-22):
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