
ops4j-pax-reflector - Pax Reflector application inspection tool

License: Apache 2.0 License
Vendor: JPackage Project
The Pax Reflector is a application inspection tool, which
can look into your running application without any special
debugger. Although Pax Reflector can quite easily be used in
any application, its use in OSGi environments make it even
more powerful as it can be installed after the start of the
main application and yet do the inspection. This could be
very important when a faulty condition has occured and one
need to take a closer look but can't restart the application
with the debugger interface enabled.


ops4j-pax-reflector-0.9.11-2.jpp6.src [53 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2012-09-19):
- 0.9.11 standalone

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.mga4.tainted