
ops4j-pax-wicket - Pax OSGi extension for Apache Wicket

License: Apache 2.0 License
Vendor: JPackage Project
Pax-Wicket is an OSGi-based extension to the Apache Wicket
framework allowing to run Wicket applications in bundles
easily on OSGi platforms.
Whereas a typical Wicket application requires that all
component wiring be done at compile time, this extension
allows you to model the Wicket application, and move those
model parts around and not be resolved until request time.
You can add and remove parts of the Wicket application
without restarting the application, simply by loading
and unloading OSGi bundles.
In a nutshell PAX-WICKET tries to solve the following
problem statement:
Develop the easiest possible solution to integrate wicket
with OSGi, providing the broadest integration into existing
OSGi enterprise technologies (JPA, JNDI, Spring, Blueprint,
For this goal PAX-WICKET provides the following features:
* Full integration at HttpService Level; No need for war
  files and web.xml
* Spring and Blueprint bean and service injection on bundle
* Delegating classloader and injection loading model.
* Easy usage via namespace support for Spring and Blueprint
* Filter and context-param configuration via OSGi
* Full application configuration via OSGi services
* Multiple applications on the same port
* Full Apache Karaf  integration
* Support for JSR333 (to come soon)


ops4j-pax-wicket-1.1.0-1.jpp6.src [120 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2012-09-22):
- First standalone release

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