
sablecc - Sable Research Group's Compiler Compiler

License: LGPL
Vendor: JPackage Project
SableCC is an object-oriented framework that generates compilers (and
interpreters) in the Java programming language. This framework is based
on two fundamental design decisions. Firstly, the framework uses
object-oriented techniques to automatically build a strictly typed
abstract syntax tree that matches the grammar of the compiled language
and simplifies debugging. Secondly, the framework generates tree-walker
classes using an extended version of the visitor design pattern which
enables the implementation of actions on the nodes of the abstract
syntax tree using inheritance. These two design decisions lead to a tool
that supports a shorter development cycle for constructing compilers.


sablecc-3.2-3.jpp6.noarch [300 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2011-11-28):
- First JPP-6 release
sablecc-3.2-3.jpp6.src [182 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2011-11-28):
- First JPP-6 release

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