
socr - Statistics Online Computational Resource

License: GPL v2
Vendor: JPackage Project
What is SOCR?
The goals of the Statistics Online Computational Resource
(SOCR) are to design, validate and freely disseminate
knowledge. Our Resource specifically provides portable
online aids for probability and statistics education,
technology based instruction and statistical computing. SOCR
tools and resources include a repository of interactive
applets, computational and graphing tools, instructional and
course materials.
What are the main SOCR Components?
The core SOCR educational and computational components
include: Distributions (interactive graphs and calculators),
Experiments (virtual computer-generated analogs of popular
games and processes), Analyses (collection of common
web-accessible tools for statistical data analysis), Games
(interfaces and simulations to real-life processes), Modeler
(tools for distribution, polynomial and spectral
model-fitting and simulation), Graphs, Plots and Charts
(comprehensive web-based tools for exploratory data
analysis), Additional Tools (other statistical tools and
resources), SOCR Wiki (collaborative Wiki resource),
Educational Materials and Hands-on Activities (varieties of
SOCR educational materials), SOCR Statistical Consulting and
Statistical Computing Libraries.


socr-2.6-1.jpp6.src [12.5 MiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2010-06-25):
- First JPP6 release
socr-2.6-1.jpp6.noarch [6.2 MiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2010-06-25):
- First JPP6 release

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.mga4.tainted