
sun-mimepull - MIME Pull

License: CDDL
Vendor: JPackage Project
This provides a streaming API to access attachments parts in
a MIME message. Often times, a large MIME message cannot be
loaded into memory. Hence the whole message or attachment
parts are written to a file system and access to the
attachment parts is provided using those files.
But in some cases, the attachment parts can be accessed by
applications in a streaming fashion, provided: - The parts
are accessed orderly (as they appear in the stream) - The
parts are accessed only once. In such situations, the parts
need not be written to file system (however large message
it is !)
MIME message parsing is done using pull-parsing, much similar
to StAX in XML world. The MIMEParts are constructed lazily,
and parsing is triggered by applications while reading the
attachment parts. MIMEConfig provides various configuration
options to control parsing and storing MIME parts. It is
also possible to read MIME parts in any order and multiple
times, but doing so may create attachment parts on the file


sun-mimepull-1.2-2.jpp6.src [51 KiB] Changelog by David Walluck (2009-02-10):
- add repolib
sun-mimepull-1.2-2.jpp6.noarch [53 KiB] Changelog by David Walluck (2009-02-10):
- add repolib

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.mga4.tainted