
tyrex - An Open Source implementation of the Java Transaction Service

License: BSD-like
Vendor: JPackage Project
Tyrex is a J2EE service provider for both Servlet
and EJB container, JMS providers and generic connectors.
It provides services for security and authentication,
local and distributed transactions, resource configuration
and pooling, and TP monitoring.
- Full support for JTA and OTS transactions APIs
- Support for local and distributed transactions
- JAAS-based authentication, LDAP login module
- Configurable transaction processing monitor
- JDBC pooling and automatic JDBC resource enlistment
- JCA connection manager
- XML based configuration
- JNDI environment naming context
- Transaction context propagation over IIOP
- Can be used as a stand alone OTS server


tyrex-1.0.3-2.jpp6.noarch [430 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2011-11-27):
- Rebuild for JPP-6
- Use omgapi instead of jts
tyrex-1.0.3-2.jpp6.src [9.2 MiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2011-11-27):
- Rebuild for JPP-6
- Use omgapi instead of jts

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