This is the README file of the GRKFINST package, version 0.3.2 (May 7, 2005) GRKFINST package is Copyright 2002-2005 by Alexej Kryukov <>. It may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.1 of this license or (at your option) any later version. ABSTRACT ~~~~~~~~ GRKFINST is a plug-in for the fontinst package, which allows to install Greek Type 1 fonts with TeX. REQUIREMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, you have to obtain the fontinst system version 1.926 or later. If you already have an older fontinst installation (teTeX 2.0 comes with fontinst 1.8), remove it. This document supposes that you already know how to install fonts with fontinst; if not refer to the fontinst documentation. If you are planning to create "large" virtual fonts for use with Omega, you have to download also my ofntinst package. FILES INCLUDED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GRKFINST package includes the following files: -- greek.mtx. This file represents the core of the system. It describes all glyphs from the Basic Greek and Extended Greek Unicode ranges and also some glyphs not present in Unicode, which, however, exist in the LGR encoding. This file utilizes some ideas originally implemented in the Cyrillic T2 package and adapts them to the Greek alphabet. Previously the package included a special file, called noautokern.mtx, used to disable automatical generation of kerning pairs for small accented letters. Although it is natural to set kerning for all such letters equal to the kerning of the same letters without accents (e. g. alphatonos should have the same kerning pairs as alpha), this may produce a lot of redundant kern pairs, which may never occur in real text. Now this file is not needed: if you want to prevent generating of such kern pairs, load greek.mtx with the `noautokern' option. Note that capital accented glyphs will be kerned anyway. -- greek-lt.mtx. This file is needed for installing Polytonic Greek fonts from Linotype. These fonts haven't precomposed combinations with iota subscriptum (ypogegrammeni): instead, they contain 3 variants of a combining ypogegrammeni (iotasubscripta, iotasubscripte or iotasubscripto), supposed to be typed before alpha, eta and omega correspondingly. greek-lt.mtx allows to `fake' accented letters with ypogegrammeni by adding this combining glyphs to the appropriate letters. -- aliasingtex. This file is based on fnstcorr.tex, taken from the Cyrillic T2 package. You have to load this file immediately after fontinst.sty. It defines some useful commands, for example, the \galias command, which allows to define aliases for glyph names used in the greek.mtx file. The idea behind glyph aliasing is that standard Greek glyph names could be used everywhere (greek.mtx, *.etx, your local mtx files, etc), and one file serves all possible non-standard glyph names! This glyph aliasing mechanism is also considered as an important way to correct glyph naming bugs in certain fonts. -- elalias.tex. This is a standard aliases table which allows to install Greek fonts from some vendors, using different glyph naming systems. It was tested with Greek fonts designed by Ralph Hancock and by the Paratype company. You may have to customize it according to the fonts you want to install. -- elalias-lt.tex. This table should be used for Linotype polytonic Greek fonts. -- elalias-uni.tex. This is another aliases table, which is suitable for fonts with more strict glyph naming system, based on the AGL (for example, it sets `uni1F00' as an alias for `alphalenis'). -- wgalias.tex. This aliases table should be used for some WinGreek fonts where glyphs are named according to the ANSI standard, although these names really don't correspond to the glyphs they are representing. For example, the character with code 0xC0 has name `Agrave' although really it is Greek letter eta with psili and varia. -- lgr.etx. This file describes the LGR font encoding with some small modifications, as it is used in my psgreek package. -- lgr-orig.etx. This file describes the same LGR encoding exactly as it is represented in the CB Greek fonts. Now it also includes ligatures for final sigma (I still think they are useless and even harmful, so they will never be added also into lgr.etx and lgr-lig.etx). -- lgr-lig.etx. This file is useful for installing Greek fonts, containing some alternate glyph forms, especially the curled beta. It provides some ligatures which automatically replace standard beta with the curled form in the middle of the word. -- lgrc.etx, lgr-origc.etx, lgr-ligc.etx. These are driver files, used to load lgr.etx, lgr-orig.etx and lgr-lig.etx with slightly different parameters. They are necessary for installing fonts with faked small capitals. -- hancock.tex, wingreek.tex. These are sample files which illustrate installing Greek fonts with the LGR encoding. -- ohancock.tex, owingreek.tex. These are sample files which illustrate installing Unicode Greek fonts for use with Omega. INSTALLATION AND USAGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, put all *.mtx, *.etx, *.sty and *.tex files to some places where TeX can find them (maybe, together with the corresponding files from the original fontinst package). Put *.afm files for font families you want to install to a separate directory and create a job file (if in trouble, refer to the fontinst documentation and to the samples included with this package). Process this file either with latex or with plain tex. For Unicode fonts with Greek glyphs use omega/lambda instead. Use the pltotf and vptovf utilities to convert your *.pl and *.vpl files into the binary format, ready for use with TeX. You can get nicely formatted sources of *.etx and *.mtx files by processing them with LaTeX. E.g., "latex lgr.etx" will generate "lgr.dvi" which documents the LGR encoding vector. Happy TeXing! Alexej Kryukov <>