Second Italian GRASS users meeting
Trento, February 1-2 2001

After the successful first Como meeting, the second Italian GRASS users meeting will be held in Trento, February 1-2 2001 at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Trento.

The purpose of the meeting is two-fold: the exchange of experiences between GRASS users and the possibility for the potential users to access first-hand information and GRASS capability demonstration. A key speech on reference systems and transformations will introduce the meeting.

The language of the meeting will be Italian, while the proceedings will be published in English in the "Geomatics Workbooks" series edited by Laboratorio di Geomatica, Politecnico of Milano.

The attendance of the meeting is free, but notification of participation is required before December 31st, 2000.

Authors should submit abstracts, both in English and in Italian, as soon as possible but no later than November 30th, 2000, in LaTex or MS Word format, preferably via e-mail to Paolo.Zatelli@ing.unitn.it or via ordinary mail to

Paolo Zatelli, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, 
Facolta' di  Ingegneria, Via Mesiano, 77, 
38050 TRENTO 
Notifications of acceptance and the final program will be mailed out by December the 15th, 2000.

For copies of proceedings of the first Italian GRASS users meeting (Como, January, the 28th 2000), IN ENGLISH, please contact Maria Brovelli (maria@ipmtf4.topo.polimi.it).

Trento, April the 14th, 2000.

The local organizing committee

B.Benciolini, M.Ciolli,
D.Sguerso, P.Zatelli

Paolo Zatelli 
University of Trento 
Engineering Faculty 
Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. 
Via Mesiano, 77, 38050 TRENTO 

phone ++39 0461 882618 
fax      ++39 0461 882672 
email  Paolo.Zatelli@ing.unitn.it
Pages for the meeting are on the Web in english at the address http://www.ing.unitn.it/~zatelli/grass_days_2001/en/ and in italian at http://www.ing.unitn.it/~zatelli/grass_days_2001/it/

There exists a (small) mailing list delivering all the announcements about the meeting, in italian. It is possible to subscribe sending a message to the address below.