========================================================= Amsterdam, 24-12-1992 Notice: The document 'grass_doc.wp' which you can get from this directory is a 40 page WordPerfect 5.1 text document. It is a first concept for a yet-to-be-written GRASS Beginner's Manual aimed at student-level Grass users at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the University of Amsterdam. The document therefore contains sections that are particular to our local configuration (sections 2.1, 4.3, 5.4 and 5.5) and software (sections 4.2 and 5.3). You will also find that a hardware diagram (page 3) and an index (page 34) are still missing. ---------------------- Request: We have made this document available to all Grass users because we believe that the growth and success of Grass in the public domain depends on the sharing of information and ideas between users and programmers. A truly useful Beginner's Manual can only be written on the basis of the present users' experience with Grass. We therefore invite you to help us in updating the text, by mailing your questions and criticism to: MARTIJN@SCANNER.FRW.UVA.NL Also, we think Grass Beginners might benefit from the availability of a) a demo script taking the user through the Spearfish and Global training data, b) a graphic user interface built with the Vask library and allowing the user to use scroll-down or pop-up menus to issue commands. Please head all your messages with the Subject: "Grass_doc update". =========================================================