NVIZ Reference Manual


What's Here Panel

The What's Here panel lets you interactively query surfaces, vectors and sites displayed in the NVIZ viewer. Query results appear in the What's Here text box. You can also pipe results directly to a text file. Query points appear in the NVIZ viewer as icons.

What's Here Panel


What's Here?
Turns the What's Here interactive query on and off.

Lets you select optional output query attributes.

What's Here Options

Map Name
Names the query map (surface) used.

Provides the easting of the query point.

Provides the northing of the query point.

Provides the elevation of the query point.

Color Category
Provides the surface color (as RGB) of the query point.

XY Dist from Prev
Provides the horizontal distance (XY) between the current and the previous query points.

XYZ Dist from Prev
Provides the actual distance (XYZ) between the current and the previous query points.

Dist Along Surface
Provides the overland (draped) distance between the current and the previous query points. If selected, a line draws between the current and the previous query points.

Dist Along Exag Surface
Provides the overland (draped) distance between the current and the previous query points using vertically exaggerated elevations. The vertical exaggeration used in this calculation comes from the surface zexag value. If selected, a line draws between the current and the previous query points.

Queries the selected (g.select.pg) database based on results from the current query point.

Adds a horizontal line to the query output.

Clears the What's Here panel text box (query results).

Query vector
Uses the query results from selected vector (see Query map) to query a selected (g.select.pg) Postgres database.

Query sites
Uses the query results from selected sites file (see Query map) to query a selected (g.select.pg) Postgres database.

Query map
Selects the file (vector or sites) to use for the Postgres query. If you select Query vector, provide a vector file name. If you select Query sites, provide a sites file name.

PG Table
Enter the name of the Postgres table. The table must be in the currently selected Postgres database.

key col
Enter the name of the column in the Postgres table. The column must be in the currently selected table.

Enter the name of the easting column in the selected Postgres table. Use only with the Query sites option.

Enter the name of the northing column in the selected Postgres table. Use only with the Query sites option.

Enter the radius from the selected query point to search the Postgres Xcol and Ycol. In other words, return all of the database records within the set distance from the selected point.

Pipe to
Outputs query results to a user defined text file.

Closes the What's Here panel.