Not generating "optimal" tilings may have another consequence; the aspect ratio of cells in the destination region will not necessarily carry over to the source region and generated tiles may have cells of strange aspect ratios. This might be a problem for some map request services presenting data in an inappropriate projection or with strict constraints on cell aspect ratio.
r.tileset sourceproj=+init=epsg:4326 maxrows=1024 maxcols=2048
r.tileset sourceproj=+init=epsg:4326 overlap=2 -w region=ne-rio
r.tileset sourceproj=`g.proj -j location=IrishGrid` maxrows=400 maxcols=300 overlap=3 -g
`g.proj -j location=IrishGrid`
will only work in a unix style shell.
Last changed: $Date: 2006/05/02 01:49:52 $