sdts.README (in =================================================== This document describes files on the the USACERL ftp site making up the preliminary release of GRASS-SDTS software. The files are: sdts.README - this file - GRASS-SDTS User Guide, in Postscript format sdts.tar.Z - source code for GRASS-SDTS programs and FIPS 123 Library, man pages, sample SDTS datasets sdts.r1.tar.Z, sdts.r2.tar.Z, etc. - possible revisions of sdts.tar.Z that will supercede sdts.tar.Z File status --------------- The current "preliminary release" version is version 2 (sdts.r2.tar.Z). It incorporates fixes for several relatively minor bugs found in previous versions. Documentation for these fixes can be found in the files named "change.log" located in the source directory for each program. Contents of sdts.tar.Z ---------------------- sdts.tar.Z contains tarred and compressed files for the following: 1. GRASS-SDTS program source code and manual pages v.out.sdts v.sdts.meta v.sdts.meta.cp v.sdts.dq.cp 2. FIPS 123 software library, needed to compile most of the GRASS-SDTS programs 3. sample SDTS data sets the directory structure of sdts.tar.Z is as follows: SDTS/ libes/fips123/ f123inc/ f123app/ f123bat/ f123utl/ etc. mapdev/ sample_data/ samdlg3 sammsdd samtiger v.out.sdts/ v.sdts.meta/ inter v.sdts.meta.cp/ cmd v.sdts.dq.cp/ cmd misc/ Installation and Compilation ---------------------------- NOTE: at the present time, you will need the gcc compiler to compile the FIPS 123 Library and the various GRASS-SDTS programs that are linked to it. 1. download all three files (sdts.tar.Z sdts.README, 2. uncompress sdts.tar.Z (or sdts.r1.tar.Z, etc.): zcat sdts.tar.Z (or zcat sdts.r1.tar.Z) 3. cd to src.contrib/CERL in your GRASS source tree 4. tar -xf [path]/sdts.tar 5. cd SDTS 6. compile and install all programs and the FIPS 123 library by running gmake4.1 (or the equivalent) from the SDTS directory. 7. when compilation is complete, run MAKELINKS from the src/CMD directory. Further information and bug reporting ------------------------------------- For further information about the GRASS-SDTS programs and to report bugs, problems, and complaints, contact: David Stigberg USACERL 2902 Newmark Drive Champaign IL 61826 217-352-6511x7401 fax: 217-373-7222 email: Bugs should also be reported to Additional SDTS materials and data ----------------------- The SDTS Task Force at the U.S. Geological Survey is maintaining an ftp site for public domain SDTS-related materials. Copies of the Standard document itself (FIPS 173), including both the Topological Vector Profile and Raster Profile (Parts 4 and 5), may be found there. Also available from the ftp site are several articles about SDTS, source and executable versions of the FIPS 123 Library, sample SDTS vector datasets exported from DLG-3, DLG-E, TIGER, and GRASS, and sample digital orthophoto quad data compliant with the SDTS Raster Profile. All the above materials may be downloaded via anonymous ftp from: ( Printed copies of the Standard and Profiles may be obtained from: National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Computer Products Office 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4600 For more information about the SDTS, you may contact: SDTS Task Force U.S. Geological Survey 526 National Center Reston, VA 22092 FAX (703) 648-5542 email: Information about production SDTS datasets for DLG-3 and DLG-E data may be obtained from: U.S. Geological Survey Earth Sciences Information Center 507 National Center Reston VA 22092 phone: 1-800-USAMAPS For TIGER/SDTS data: Customer Services U.S. Bureau of the Census Washington DC 20233-8300 general product information: phone: 1-301-763-4100 fax: 1-301-763-4794 TIGER-specific information: phone: 1-301-763-1384