Summagraphics MGIII driver for GRASS 4.0 v.digit/GRASS 4.1 v.digit2 This driver is meant for the Summagraphics Microgrid III series digitizers using a 16 button cursor and 1000 lpi resolution. It uses Summagraphics Microgrid Universal Input/Output (UIOF) format. The right (yellow) led on the cursor is used to give a visual response if the driver detects a button press. If a button is pressed, the driver waits until it is released. This code uses BSD port setup, if you don't have /usr/include/sgtty.h, it will not compile. The following dip switch settings of the MG III are assumed: DIP #1 | DIP #2 | DIP #3 switch: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | set: 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 U | U U U U U U U U | U U 0 U U U U U key: 0 : off 1 : on U : undefined See the manual for documentation on switch combinations. The computer serial port characteristics (DIP #1, sw1-7) can be changed in D_open_serial() (dig_dev.c). The port operates at 9600 baud, 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit. Echo mode (DIP #3, sw3) should be disabled. To change the resolution, change #define SCALE and #define SETRES in dig_dev.c. Don't forget to change the third argument of write() in D_digit_init() and D_digit_setup() (dig_dev.c), if a different initialization is required. We use this driver with a Summagraphics Microgrid III series 42" * 60" digitizer. I've heard it works on a Microgrid II series with some minor changes in dig_dev.c. Send comments, bugs (and fixes) to: Raymond Venneker Inst. of Earth Sciences - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - The Netherlands