The Premise

You are on your family vacation with your wife Susan, son Bart,
daughter Fran, and Granny. You are staying at a cabin at one end of a
lake where at the other end is a snow-capped mountain. It's Christmas
and Bart and Fran really want a snowman for the traditional family
photo. Obviously, the only snow around is on the mountain on the other
side of the lake. The family also has a dog named Fido and a Hamster
named Kaboot. In each segment, a family member or pet is left behind
to return to the cabin.

Segment 1 - Start sailing. Your segment starts at the cabin and ends
in the middle of the lake where there is a buoy. There may be
something in the buoy that's important later on.

Segment 2 - Finish crossing the lake without the boat which is gone
(who knows how, that's up to you). Your segment ends at the shore
below the mountain.

Segment 3 - Climb the mountain.

Segment 4 - Make snowman, survive cold.

Segment 5 - Get half way back to cabin (in air or otherwise) and
preserve snowman. You may end up above the lake or falling into it.

Segment 6 - Survive fall get snowman to beach for photo.

Each author needs to pick a number from 1 to 6. I will have ifMUD
people give me two random lists from 1 to 6 to determine who gets
which segment and which family member is left behind.

All of the suggestions are here and you are encouraged to use any of

Places include: Toronto City Hall, A wall, boating lake, within
pea-soup fog, Courthouse (specifically, the waiting room where
potential jurors sit all day), and The central reservation on a

Befuddled, being content, anger, Schadenfreude, Pride, and Ennui

Foods: Chicken Tacos with Gravy, cheese, chorizo, Poutine, Chili
casserole, and Fresh tomatoes

Activities: Hang Gliding, sailing, making pancakes, Snowman
construction, family vacation, and Raking leaves