+ core + : crash when defining a specific relationship (tdf#89129) [Julien Nabet] + absent datasource causes exception / abort (tdf#88825) [Caolán McNamara] + Access2Base - Patch#2 Bug in Control.RemoveItem [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + adapt code to changed libkabdrv1lo.so name [Stephan Bergmann] + add matrix empty cells to ScInterpreter::QueryMatrixType() (tdf#39316) [Eike Rathke] + add missing return if error to not crash (tdf#88672) [Eike Rathke] + add support for external hamcrest when using junit 4.11+ [Peter Foley] + allow for null xModel in TitleHelper::getTitle [Stephan Bergmann] + asan: heap-buffer-overflow on ooo8726-1.doc [Caolán McNamara] + at least catch and log UNO exceptions in grammar checking thread (rhbz#1184582) [Stephan Bergmann] + avoid __refheading__ regression reported in (tdf#68963, tdf#89482) [Justin Luth] + bin useless $buildidstring (tdf#87803) [Andras Timar] + branch libreoffice-4-3-7 [Christian Lohmaier] + BrowseBox/grid: reposition data cursor to current row after paint (fdo#88475) [Lionel Elie Mamane] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + catch ISO 8601 datetime in all locales (tdf#89500) [Eike Rathke] + check if reads were successful [Caolán McNamara] + check that sheet reference is within selected sheets (tdf#89484) [Eike Rathke] + crash in traversing script fields (tdf#68137) [Caolán McNamara] + crash on loading certain docx (fdo#88784, fdo#82114) [Miklos Vajna] + crash on merging certain cells imported from a .doc (tdf#76636) [Caolán McNamara] + crash on opening drop caps (tdf#88854) [Caolán McNamara] + crash undoing tricky cell merge (tdf#79569) [Caolán McNamara] + do not override MatColsRows if already set (tdf#83461) [Eike Rathke] + don't access empty range list, could be (rhbz#1180312) [Eike Rathke] + don't clobber cluster start caret pos (tdf#86399) [Caolán McNamara] + don't create a new list for each multiselection portion (i#124371, tdf#87548) [Caolán McNamara] + don't try to save a marks OtherPos if it doesn't have one (tdf#90138) [Caolán McNamara] + fields of query design can be moved to the left only (tdf#88847) [Julien Nabet] + file UCP: Ensure myLocalTime is initialized [Stephan Bergmann] + filter ends with / does not end with correction (tdf#89958) [Eike Rathke] + fix "Property Handler" shared lock (fdo#67534) [Maxime de Roucy] + fix bold, regular font spacing bug for Graphite fonts (tdf#89252) [Martin Hosken] + fix build [Lionel Elie Mamane] + fix crash on re-export of fdo64646-4.xls back to xls [Caolán McNamara] + fix crash while scaling large bitmaps. (fdo#86493) [Ashod Nakashian] + fix dangling pointer [Stephan Bergmann] + fix double delete on loading ooo123605-1.odt [Caolán McNamara] + fix GetEnglishSearchFontName() returns incorrect value. (tdf#88855) [Tomofumi Yagi] + fix Graphite layout at Linux Libertine G ligature followed by tab (tdf#88051) [László Németh] + fix handling of empty arguments in IF(), IFERROR() and IFNA() (tdf#88576) [Winfried Donkers] + fix hang with ooo71962-1.odt [Caolán McNamara] + fix HYPERLINK behaviour when used in names (fdo#87534) [Winfried Donkers] + fix incorrect mapping of font-family-complex and CharFontNameAsian (tdf#89679) [Mark Hung] + fix liborcus build with gcc 5 [David Tardon] + fix linker error [David Tardon] + fix Mac OS X install names of external/{coinmp,lpsolve} (tdf#80370) [Stephan Bergmann] + fix sidebar angle rotation i18n (tdf#88740) [Andras Timar] + fix Undo of Numbering Level change crash (tdf#89179) [Caolán McNamara] + fix windows build [Markus Mohrhard] + fixup previous commit for (fdo#88475) [Lionel Elie Mamane] + gdb pretty printers: fix the sw::mark::IMark and SwModify printers [Michael Stahl] + getAny() is not a safe default, it assumes there is actually an Any [Lionel Elie Mamane] + handle expand reference edge correctly (tdf#81659) [Eike Rathke] + i18npool: fix pathological transliterate slow-path (tdf#89665) [Michael Stahl] + if no SwView then disable accept/reject change buttons (tdf#89227) [Caolán McNamara] + if we can't anchor at hidden text then... (fdo#87760) [Caolán McNamara] + images not displayed properly in Calc (tdf#87820) [Henry Castro] + in BITFIELDS mode (3) there are *3* pal entries not 12 [Caolán McNamara] + isDBReadOnly ensure connection before trying to retrieve it (tdf#73059) [Lionel Elie Mamane] + macab initialize record list even for never-match condition. (tdf#89048) [Norbert Thiebaud] + make fodt non crashy like odt for formulas inside shapes (fdo#84943, fdo#84942) [Caolán McNamara] + make the dialog closable with 'X' button again (tdf#79239) [Katarina Behrens] + mismatch of ValueSet and metric field values (tdf#82524) [Katarina Behrens] + missing @since tag [Stephan Bergmann] + no width set on space glyph with CM Typewriter fonts (rhbz#1177022) [Caolán McNamara] + not all OrCriteria have three children [Lionel Elie Mamane] + officecfg: set VCL.WM.ShouldSwitchWorkspace to false (i#96684, fdo#84383, i#45160) [Michael Stahl] + oox: TotalTime is in minutes (tdf#89774) [Miklos Vajna] + OOXML chart legend import improvement (tdf#90404) [Andras Timar] + OOXML: fix import of insets when shape and/or shape text is rotated (bnc#902652, bnc#773048) [Andras Timar] + ordinal numbers should not be auto-capitalized (tdf#78148) [Niklas Johansson] + ordinal suffix should never be superscript in some languages (tdf#89437) [Niklas Johansson] + paragraphs have ATK_STATE_INVALID (fdo#86674) [Niklas Johansson] + parameters are kinda-partially supported, so follow the suggestion (tdf#88814) [Lionel Elie Mamane] + parse with locale decimal separator (tdf#88740) [Eike Rathke] + partially fix boolean labels in XLSX (tdf#68117) [Ursache Vladimir] + PPTX import: use real table size (tdf#90403) [Andras Timar] + preserve file name case in an unresolvable external named range (tdf#89330) [Jan Kantert] + propagate errors as errors in matrix calculations (tdf#42481) [Eike Rathke] + push/Pop before/after messing with the cursor (tdf#83977) [Caolán McNamara] + query Design: use correct name for columns that come from another query. [Lionel Elie Mamane] + recognize __RefHeading__ bookmarks as TOC (fdo#68963) [Justin Luth] + reduce block on pasting rtf like we do for html (fdo#75565) [Caolán McNamara] + related: crash using delete in available fields (fdo#88455) [Caolán McNamara] + related: initial load of bibliography doesn't... (tdf#90472) [Caolán McNamara] + replace hardcoded UI string with string from .res file [Andras Timar] + RotateAngle of UNO type long [Stephan Bergmann] + sdbc:address:kab URLs don't have a trailing ":" [Stephan Bergmann] + select corresponding listbox entry if not current (tdf#81429) [Eike Rathke] + set DocumentBaseURL when saving report (tdf#88624) [Lionel Elie Mamane] + string access out of bounds (tdf#90301) [Eike Rathke] + sun ld doesn't support -O1 optimize flag [Richard PALO] + sw: fix ASAN detected error in RtfSdrExport::Commit() [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix creation of field data source string (tdf#77241) [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix expanding of SwDocInfoField with DateTime (tdf#88899) [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix life cycle of SwConnectionDisposedListener_Impl (rhbz#1175027) [Michael Stahl] + sw: Remove unnecessary downcast (tdf#89105) [Matteo Casalin] + SwDataChanged dtor accesses deleted PaM (rhbz#1162352) [Caolán McNamara] + SwXText::convertToTextFrame: handle shapes anchored to us (tdf#88811) [Miklos Vajna] + TabBar::ImplShowPage crash (fdo#84887) [Caolán McNamara] + table filter dialog: properly initialise OTableTreeListBox (tdf#89070) [Lionel Elie Mamane] + tdoc_ucp: fix life cycle of OfficeDocumentsCloseListener (rhbz#1163106) [Michael Stahl] + test pChangeTrack before using it (tdf#89460) [Laurent Godard] + this is surely backwards (gold) (coverity#1267678) [Caolán McNamara] + toolkit: work around GCC 4.9 -Os link failure (tdf#78174) [Michael Stahl] + updated core [Christian Lohmaier, Andras Timar] + updating field contents with incorrect attribute positions (tdf#82942) [Caolán McNamara] + upgrade to openssl-1.0.2a [Caolán McNamara] + use loaded graphic's width/height as defaults (tdf#83073) [Caolán McNamara] + vcl/text: fix duplicate text in fontwork (tdf#81876) [Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer] + vcl: fix PDF embedding of Type 1 fonts (rhbz#1177022) [Michael Stahl] + vcl: speed up HbLayoutEngine line layout for large paragraphs (tdf#89666) [Michael Stahl] + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + when matching existing list indent use matching level (fdo#85666) [Caolán McNamara] + wrong cell fill color defined by table style (bnc#910045) [Zolnai Tamás] + wrong text rotation inside a preset shape from docx (fdo#87488) [Gary Houston] + wrong underlining in Reports (tdf#50133) [Julien Nabet] + dictionaries + update Portuguese dictionary to version [Andras Timar] + help + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + translations + update translations for 4.3.7 rc1 [Christian Lohmaier]