Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.
Use at your own risk. Do not use as a primary means of navigation. This software comes with absolutely no warranty.
JPEG output requires the pngtopnm and pnmtojpeg programs from the NetPBM tools.
GpsDrive assumes northings are not rotated compared to true-geographic north. If you are using a projection with significant curvature away from the central meridian, or a map datum with a significant rotational component, then you will likely end up with a distorted or inexact background map! Keeping the area small will lessen the error, but not eliminate it, if necessary you could reproject the map into a custom projection (such as tmerc) centered directly on the center of your map. You can check the local convergence angle (difference between grid north and true north) with "g.region -n".
To avoid distortion, anything more global than 1:150k to 1:500k should come from a lat/lon location. Anything more local than that will look better coming from a projected system such as UTM.
The extent of a map given a target scale can be calculated with x_ext=scale*(1280/2817.95). e.g. 1:50,000 translates to approx a 22.7km x 18.2km image window in the GIS.
For your convenience (calculations are rough, but nominal):
1:50,000 uses a region 22.7km x 18.2km. 1:75,000 uses a region 34.1km x 27.3km. 1:100,000 uses a region 45.4km x 36.3km. 1:175,000 uses a region 79.5km x 63.6km.
GpsDrive requires backdrop images to be 1280x1024 pixels in size. While this script takes care of that automatically, to avoid annoying bands on the sides of your image you may want to set up your display monitor at half-scale (same aspect ratio) and use d.zoom to select the full frame. For example:
export GRASS_WIDTH=640 export GRASS_HEIGHT=512 d.mon x0
#!/bin/bash # map scale is determined by "panels" by dividing the N-S # region extent into that number of maps. Note that the # generated maps overlap by 1/2 along the N-S axis and by # approximately 1/2 along the E-W axis. panels=3 iter=$((panels*2-1)) eval `g.region -eg` eval `g.region -g` north=$n south=$s west=$w east=$e unit_ns=$(echo "scale=8; $ns_extent / $panels" | bc) unit_ew=$(echo "scale=8; $unit_ns * 4/3" | bc) panels_ew=$(echo "((2*$ew_extent / $unit_ew +.5 ) -1) / 1" | bc) for i in `seq 1 $panels_ew`; do east=$(echo "scale=8; $west+$unit_ew" | bc) for j in `seq 1 $iter`; do g.region n=$(echo "scale=8; $north-($j-1) * $unit_ns/2" | bc) \ s=$(echo "scale=8; $north-($j-1) * $unit_ns/2-$unit_ns" | bc ) \ w=$west e=$east ewres=$ewres nsres=$nsres d.redraw d.out.gpsdrive -j tile_${i}_${j} done shift_west=$(echo "scale=8; ($ew_extent-$unit_ew)/($panels_ew-1)" | bc) west=$(echo "scale=8; $west+$shift_west" | bc) done
Last changed: $Date: 2011-11-08 03:23:06 -0800 (Tue, 08 Nov 2011) $
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