Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.
v.drape converts 2D/3D vector data into 3D vector format via sampling of an elevation surface. Three sampling algorithms adapted from v.sample were incorporated into this module: nearest neighbor, bilinear, and cubic convultion.
v.drape will skip vector features outside of current computational region or where raster map has NULL value. It's possible to include all vector features by specifying height value that will be assigned to verticles whose values can not be determined from raster map.
Additional vertices can be added to the input 2D vector map with v.split.
The module can be used in conjunction with v.out.pov and r.out.pov to export a complete set of vector and raster data for display in POVRAY.
Spearfish example:
v.drape in=roads rast=elevation.10m method=bilinear out=roads3d roads3d
Create 3D vector roads map containing only "unimproved" roads. Set road height to 1000 m for all parts without height information.
v.drape input=roads type=line rast=elevation.dem output=roads_3d \ method=nearest scale=1.0 where='cat=5' layer=1 null_value=1000
#export the vector data v.drape in=roads out=roads3d rast=elevation.10m v.out.pov roads3d out=roads3d.pov #export the raster data r.out.pov elevation.10m tga=elevation.tga r.out.png landcover.30m out=landcover30m.png # now write a complete povray-script and launch povray
Last changed: $Date: 2011-11-08 03:23:06 -0800 (Tue, 08 Nov 2011) $
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