Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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NAME - Configuration editor for'index'


raster, landscape structure analysis

SYNOPSIS help [--verbose] [--quiet]

DESCRIPTION creates and shows configuration files for the other analytical modules. For a general introduction, see
The configurations are raster map independent, it means that you can use a file created on a raster map for analyze any other you have.
The program is completely interactive and uses a GUI to help you in your choices.

Analysis methods

Definition of region for analysis: Definition of creation of sampling area: Sampling area definition

Usage details

The startup window shows your configuration files, you can:
  1. Load a file: the configuration is printed using rectangles with differents colors (green for the raster map, red for the sample frame and blue for the sample areas), and other notes (disposition of sample areas etc). The configuration file is saved in ~/ (the file name can be defined by the user). The output can either be a new raster map (in case of using a "moving window" analysis) or be an ASCII text file (when not performing a "moving window" analysis) containing the result which is then saved to the folder $HOME/
    All dimensions are percentages of raster rows or columns.
  2. Create a new file: this create a new configuration file in an interactive way, in three steps:
    1. Choose file name and maps to use for setting:
    2. Set the sampling frame. The sample frame is a rectangular area which contains all the areas to analyze. It can be defined in three ways:
    3. Set the sample areas. The sample areas are simply the areas to analyze. They can be defined in five ways (see the picture below):
  3. Remove a file the selected file is deleted from the available configuration files.
  4. Help: open this help text.
  5. Close module window.


Configuration files are raster map independent because areas are saved using relative coordinates.


Moving window analysis on full region

Example for a 7x7 moving window analysis on full region, the output is a raster map:

Click on "New", then:

1. Setup sampling frame: 2. Setup sampling frame Select type of shape: 3. Save settings: click on button
(4.) Close

Now an anaysis can be performed using one of the analytical modules, e.g.

g.region rast=forests -p map=forests conf=movwindow7 output=forests_p_dens7
r.univar forests_p_dens7
The result is the new raster map "forests_p_dens7" which shows (in this example) the patch density of the forest areas.
See the respective modules for further examples.

Whole region analysis

Example for a whole region analysis, the output is a text file: Click on "New", then: 1. Setup sampling frame: 2. Setup sampling frame 3. Save settings: click on button
(4.) Close

Now an anaysis can be performed using one of the analytical modules, e.g.

g.region rast=lsat7_2002_40 -p map=lsat7_2000_40 conf=whole_region output=lsat7_2000_40_shannon
The result is the new text file "forests_p_dens7" (stored in folder $HOME/
See the respective modules for further examples.

SEE ALSO - package overview

Old r.le suite manual


McGarigal, K., and B. J. Marks. 1995. FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying landscape structure. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-351. (PDF)


Claudio Porta and Lucio Davide Spano, students of Computer Science
University of Pisa (Italy).
Commission from Faunalia Pontedera (PI)
Rewritten from r.le.setup by William L. Baker

Last changed: $Date: 2014-02-11 08:24:44 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $

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