Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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r.out.mat - Exports a GRASS raster to a binary MAT-File.


raster, export


r.out.mat help
r.out.mat [-v] input=name output=string [--verbose] [--quiet]


Verbose mode
Verbose module output
Quiet module output


Name of input raster map
Name for the output binary MAT-File


r.out.mat will export a GRASS raster map to a MAT-File which can be loaded into Matlab or Octave for plotting or further analysis. Attributes such as map title and bounds will also be exported into additional array variables.

Specifically, the following array variables are created:
  • map_data
  • map_name
  • map_title (if it exists)
  • map_northern_edge
  • map_southern_edge
  • map_eastern_edge
  • map_western_edge
    In addition, r.out.mat makes for a nice binary container format for transferring georeferenced maps around, even if you don't use Matlab or Octave.


    r.out.mat exports a Version 4 MAT-File. These files should successfully load into more modern versions of Matlab and Octave without any problems.

    Everything should be Endian safe, so the resultant file can be simply copied between different system architectures without binary translation.

    As there is no IEEE value for NaN for integer maps, GRASS's null value is used to represent it within these maps. You'll have to do something like this to clean them once the map is loaded into Matlab:
        map_data(find(map_data < -1e9)) = NaN;
    Null values in maps containing either floating point or double-precision floating point data should translate into NaN values as expected.

    r.out.mat must load the entire map into memory before writing, therefore it might have problems with huge maps. (a 3000x4000 DCELL map uses about 100mb RAM)

    GRASS defines its map bounds at the outer-edge of the bounding cells, not at the coordinates of their centroids. Thus, the following Matlab commands may be used to determine the map's resolution information:
        [rows cols] = size(map_data)
        x_range = map_eastern_edge - map_western_edge
        y_range = map_northern_edge - map_southern_edge
        ns_res = y_range/rows
        ew_res = x_range/cols


    In Matlab, plot with either:
    imagesc(map_data), axis equal, axis tight, colorbar
    contourf(map_data, 24), axis ij, axis equal, axis tight, colorbar


    Add support for exporting map history, category information, color map, etc.
    Option to export as a version 5 MAT-File, with map and support information stored in a single structured array.

    r.out.ascii, r.out.bin
    The Octave project


    Hamish Bowman
    Department of Marine Science
    University of Otago
    New Zealand

    Last changed: $Date: 2011-11-08 03:23:06 -0800 (Tue, 08 Nov 2011) $

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