Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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r.what - Queries raster map layers on their category values and category labels.


raster, querying


r.what help
r.what [-nfric] input=string[,string,...] [cache=integer] [null=string] [fs=character] [east_north=east,north[,east,north,...]] [--verbose] [--quiet]


Output header row
Show the category labels of the grid cell(s)
Output color values as RRR:GGG:BBB
Output integer category values, not cell values
Turn on cache reporting
Verbose module output
Quiet module output


Name of existing raster map(s) to query
Size of point cache
Default: 500
Char string to represent no data cell
Default: *
Field separator
Special characters: newline, space, comma, tab
Default: |
Coordinates for query


r.what outputs the category values and (optionally) the category labels associated with user-specified locations on raster input map(s). Locations are specified as geographic x,y coordinate pairs (i.e., pair of eastings and northings); the user can also (optionally) associate a label with each location.

The input coordinates can be entered directly on the command line, or redirected via stdin from an input text file, script, or piped from another program (like d.where).

If none of the above input methods are used and the module is run from the terminal prompt, the program will interactively query the user for point locations and labels.

Each line of the input consists of an easting, a northing, and an optional label, which are separated by spaces. In interactive mode, the word "end" must be typed after the last pair of input coordinates.

r.what output consists of the input geographic location and label, and, for each user-named raster map layer, the category value, and (if the -f label flag is specified) the category label associated with the cell(s) at this geographic location.


Input from stdin on the command line

Input coordinates may be given directly from stdin, for example:
(input data appears between the "EOF" markers)
r.what input=soils,aspect << EOF
635342.21 7654321.09 site 1
653324.88 7563412.42 site 2

635342.21|7654321.09|site 1|45|21
653324.88|7563412.42|site 2|44|20
echo "635342.21 7654321.09" | r.what input=soils,aspect


Input from a text file containing coordinates

The contents of an ASCII text file can be redirected to r.what as follows. If we have a file called input_coord.txt containing the coordinates and labels given in the example above:
r.what input=soils,aspect < input_coord.txt

635342.21|7654321.09|site 1|45|21
653324.88|7563412.42|site 2|44|20

Input coordinates given as a module option

The module's east_north parameter can be used to enter coordinate pairs directly. The maximum number of pairs will be limited by your system's maximum input line length (e.g. 4096 characters).
r.what input=soils,aspect east_north=635342.21,7654321.09,653324.88,7563412.42


Input coordinates piped from another program

The input coordinates may be "piped" from the stdout of another program. For example:
d.where | r.what input=soils,aspect

In the next example, vector point coordinates are piped from the v.out.ascii module . The standard UNIX program "tr" is used to convert the column separators in v.out.ascii's output into spaces for r.what.
v.out.ascii bugsites fs=' ' | r.what input=soils,aspect

Output containing raster map category labels

Here we use the -f label flag to enable the output of category labels associated with the raster cell(s), as well as values. (categorical maps only)
r.what -f input=soils,aspect << EOF
635342.21 7654321.09 site 1
653324.88 7563412.42 site 2

635342.21|7654321.09|site 1|45|NaC|21|30 degrees NW 
653324.88|7563412.42|site 2|44|NdC|20|15 degrees NW 


The maximum number of raster map layers that can be queried at one time is 400.


d.where, r.category,, r.stats, r.series, r.univar, v.what, v.what.rast, v.what.vect


Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Last changed: $Date: 2010-09-16 00:22:50 -0700 (Thu, 16 Sep 2010) $

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