GRASS GIS 7 Programmer's Manual
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2 /*!
3  * \file lib/gis/view.c
4  *
5  * \brief GIS Library - 3D View functions.
6  *
7  * (C) 2001-2014 by the GRASS Development Team
8  *
9  * This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
10  * (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
11  *
12  * \author Bill Brown - US Army CERL
13  *
14  * \date 1992-2008
15  */
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <grass/gis.h>
21 #include <grass/glocale.h>
24 #define REQ_KEYS 8
26 static int compare_wind(const struct Cell_head *, const struct Cell_head *);
27 static int get_bool(const char *);
28 static void pr_winerr(int, const char *);
29 static void edge_sort(float sides[4]);
30 static int read_old_format(struct G_3dview *, FILE *);
32 static const int vers_major = 4;
33 static const int vers_minor = 1;
35 static int Suppress_warn = 0;
38 /**
39  * \brief Turns 3D View warnings on and off.
40  *
41  * If Suppress_warn is 0, a warning will be printed if less than 95% of
42  * the window when the view was saved overlaps the current window.
43  *
44  * \param[in] b
45  * \return
46  */
49 {
50  Suppress_warn = b ? 0 : 1;
51 }
54 /**
55  * \brief Sets default for <b>v</b> based on <b>w</b>.
56  *
57  * \param[in,out] v
58  * \param[in] w
59  * \return always returns 1
60  */
62 int G_get_3dview_defaults(struct G_3dview *v, struct Cell_head *w)
63 {
64  if (!v || !w)
65  return (-1);
67  v->exag = 1.0;
68  v->fov = 40.0;
69  v->from_to[0][0] = (w->east + w->west) / 2.0;
70  v->from_to[0][1] = w->south - (w->north - w->south);
71  v->from_to[0][2] = w->north - w->south;
72  v->from_to[1][0] = (w->east + w->west) / 2.0;
73  v->from_to[1][1] = (w->north + w->south) / 2.0;
74  v->from_to[1][2] = 0.0;
76  v->twist = 0.0;
77  v->mesh_freq = 15;
78  v->poly_freq = 1;
79  v->display_type = 2;
80  v->colorgrid = v->fringe = v->surfonly = v->lightson = v->doavg = 0;
81  v->dozero = v->shading = 1;
82  strcpy(v->bg_col, "black");
83  strcpy(v->grid_col, "white");
84  strcpy(v->other_col, "red");
85  v->ambient = v->shine = 0.3;
86  v->lightcol[0] = v->lightcol[1] = v->lightcol[2] = 0.8;
87  v->lightpos[0] = w->west;
88  v->lightpos[1] = w->north;
89  v->lightpos[2] = (w->east - w->west) / 2.0;
90  v->lightpos[3] = 1.0; /* local source */
92  v->vwin.north = w->north;
93  v->vwin.south = w->south;
94  v->vwin.east = w->east;
95  v->vwin.west = w->west;
96  v->vwin.format = w->format;
97  v->vwin.compressed = w->compressed;
98  v->vwin.proj = w->proj;
99  v-> = w->zone;
100  v->vwin.ew_res = w->ew_res;
101  v->vwin.ns_res = w->ns_res;
102  v->vwin.cols = w->cols;
103  v->vwin.rows = w->rows;
105  return (1);
107 }
110 /**
111  * \brief Saves info to a 3d.view file.
112  *
113  * The address of a window (struct Cell_head *) may be passed, or if
114  * NULL is passed, the Cell_head structure inside the G_3dview struct
115  * will be used. e.g., if you called <i>G_get_3dview_defaults</i> with
116  * the Cell_head you want saved, the G_3dview returned already contains
117  * the new Cell_head. But if you're using all the keywords, so didn't
118  * need defaults, pass this routine the address of a Cell_head.<br>
119  *
120  * User should call <i>G_get_3dview_defaults</i> before filling a
121  * G_3dview struct to be written if not using all of the optional
122  * keywords.<br>
123  *
124  * These keywords are constant in all 3d.view files:<br>
125  * PGM_ID<br>
126  * <b>cell keywords:</b><br>
127  * north<br>
128  * south<br>
129  * east<br>
130  * west<br>
131  * rows<br>
132  * cols<br>
133  * <b>required keywords:</b><br>
134  * TO_EASTING<br>
135  * TO_NORTHING<br>
136  * TO_HEIGHT<br>
137  * FROM_EASTING<br>
138  * FROM_NORTHING<br>
139  * FROM_HEIGHT<br>
140  * Z_EXAG<br>
141  * FIELD_VIEW<br>
142  * <b>optional keywords:</b> (defaults provided when reading)<br>
143  * TWIST<br>
144  * MESH_FREQ<br>
145  * POLY_RES<br>
146  * DOAVG<br>
147  * DISPLAY_TYPE<br>
148  * DOZERO<br>
149  * COLORGRID<br>
150  * SHADING<br>
151  * FRINGE<br>
152  * BG_COL<br>
153  * GRID_COL<br>
154  * OTHER_COL<br>
155  * LIGHTS_ON<br>
156  * LIGHTPOS<br>
157  * LIGHTCOL<br>
159  * SHINE<br>
160  * SURFACEONLY<br>
161  *
162  * \param[in] fname file name
163  * \param[in] mapset
164  * \param[in] View
165  * \param[in] Win
166  * \return 1 on success
167  * \return -1 on error
168  */
170 int G_put_3dview(const char *fname, const char *mapset,
171  const struct G_3dview *View, const struct Cell_head *Win)
172 {
173  FILE *fp;
175  if (NULL == (fp = G_fopen_new("3d.view", fname))) {
176  G_warning(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), fname);
177  return (-1);
178  }
180  fprintf(fp, "# %01d.%02d\n", vers_major, vers_minor);
181  fprintf(fp, "PGM_ID: %s\n", View->pgm_id);
183  if (Win) {
184  fprintf(fp, "north: %f\n", Win->north);
185  fprintf(fp, "south: %f\n", Win->south);
186  fprintf(fp, "east: %f\n", Win->east);
187  fprintf(fp, "west: %f\n", Win->west);
188  fprintf(fp, "rows: %d\n", Win->rows);
189  fprintf(fp, "cols: %d\n", Win->cols);
190  }
191  else {
192  fprintf(fp, "north: %f\n", View->vwin.north);
193  fprintf(fp, "south: %f\n", View->vwin.south);
194  fprintf(fp, "east: %f\n", View->vwin.east);
195  fprintf(fp, "west: %f\n", View->vwin.west);
196  fprintf(fp, "rows: %d\n", View->vwin.rows);
197  fprintf(fp, "cols: %d\n", View->vwin.cols);
198  }
200  fprintf(fp, "TO_EASTING: %f\n", View->from_to[1][0]);
201  fprintf(fp, "TO_NORTHING: %f\n", View->from_to[1][1]);
202  fprintf(fp, "TO_HEIGHT: %f\n", View->from_to[1][2]);
203  fprintf(fp, "FROM_EASTING: %f\n", View->from_to[0][0]);
204  fprintf(fp, "FROM_NORTHING: %f\n", View->from_to[0][1]);
205  fprintf(fp, "FROM_HEIGHT: %f\n", View->from_to[0][2]);
206  fprintf(fp, "Z_EXAG: %f\n", View->exag);
207  fprintf(fp, "TWIST: %f\n", View->twist);
208  fprintf(fp, "FIELD_VIEW: %f\n", View->fov);
209  fprintf(fp, "MESH_FREQ: %d\n", View->mesh_freq);
210  fprintf(fp, "POLY_RES: %d\n", View->poly_freq);
211  fprintf(fp, "DOAVG: %d\n", View->doavg);
212  fprintf(fp, "DISPLAY_TYPE: %d\n", View->display_type);
213  fprintf(fp, "DOZERO: %d\n", View->dozero);
215  fprintf(fp, "COLORGRID: %d\n", View->colorgrid); /* 1 = use color */
216  fprintf(fp, "SHADING: %d\n", View->shading);
217  fprintf(fp, "FRINGE: %d\n", View->fringe);
218  fprintf(fp, "BG_COL: %s\n", View->bg_col);
219  fprintf(fp, "GRID_COL: %s\n", View->grid_col);
220  fprintf(fp, "OTHER_COL: %s\n", View->other_col);
221  fprintf(fp, "SURFACEONLY: %d\n", View->surfonly);
222  fprintf(fp, "LIGHTS_ON: %d\n", View->lightson);
223  fprintf(fp, "LIGHTPOS: %f %f %f %f\n", View->lightpos[0],
224  View->lightpos[1], View->lightpos[2], View->lightpos[3]);
225  fprintf(fp, "LIGHTCOL: %f %f %f\n", View->lightcol[0], View->lightcol[1],
226  View->lightcol[2]);
227  fprintf(fp, "LIGHTAMBIENT: %f\n", View->ambient);
228  fprintf(fp, "SHINE: %f\n", View->shine);
230  fclose(fp);
232  return (1);
233 }
236 /**
237  * \brief Gets a 3D View.
238  *
239  * If reading an old format, the window boundaries are not checked
240  * against the current window since boundaries weren't saved.
241  *
242  * \param[in] fname
243  * \param[in] mapset
244  * \param[in,out] View
245  * \return -1 on error
246  * \return 1 on success
247  * \return 2 if <b>fname</b> was written with this version of routine
248  * \return 0 if is older format (through 4.0)
249  */
251 int G_get_3dview(const char *fname, const char *mapset, struct G_3dview *View)
252 {
253  struct Cell_head curwin;
254  FILE *fp;
255  char buffer[80], keystring[24], boo[8], nbuf[128], ebuf[128];
256  int lap, v_maj, v_min, wind_keys = 0, reqkeys = 0;
257  int current = 0; /* current version flag */
259  mapset = G_find_file2("3d.view", fname, mapset);
260  if (mapset != NULL) {
261  if (NULL == (fp = G_fopen_old("3d.view", fname, mapset))) {
262  G_warning(_("Unable to open %s for reading"), fname);
263  return (-1);
264  }
266  G_get_set_window(&curwin);
267  G_get_3dview_defaults(View, &curwin);
269  if (NULL != fgets(buffer, 80, fp)) {
270  if (buffer[0] != '#') { /* old d.3d format */
271  rewind(fp);
272  if (0 <= read_old_format(View, fp))
273  return (0);
274  else
275  return (-1);
276  }
277  else {
278  sscanf(buffer, "#%d.%d\n", &v_maj, &v_min);
279  if (v_maj == vers_major && v_min == vers_minor)
280  current = 1; /* same version */
281  }
282  }
284  while (NULL != fgets(buffer, 75, fp)) {
285  if (buffer[0] != '#') {
287  sscanf(buffer, "%[^:]:", keystring);
289  if (!strcmp(keystring, "PGM_ID")) {
290  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", (View->pgm_id));
291  continue;
292  }
293  if (!strcmp(keystring, "north")) {
294  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%lf", &(View->vwin.north));
295  ++wind_keys;
296  continue;
297  }
298  if (!strcmp(keystring, "south")) {
299  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%lf", &(View->vwin.south));
300  ++wind_keys;
301  continue;
302  }
303  if (!strcmp(keystring, "east")) {
304  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%lf", &(View->vwin.east));
305  ++wind_keys;
306  continue;
307  }
308  if (!strcmp(keystring, "west")) {
309  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%lf", &(View->vwin.west));
310  ++wind_keys;
311  continue;
312  }
313  if (!strcmp(keystring, "rows")) {
314  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%d", &(View->vwin.rows));
315  ++wind_keys;
316  continue;
317  }
318  if (!strcmp(keystring, "cols")) {
319  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%d", &(View->vwin.cols));
320  ++wind_keys;
321  continue;
322  }
323  if (!strcmp(keystring, "TO_EASTING")) {
324  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->from_to[1][0]));
325  ++reqkeys;
326  continue;
327  }
328  if (!strcmp(keystring, "TO_NORTHING")) {
329  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->from_to[1][1]));
330  ++reqkeys;
331  continue;
332  }
333  if (!strcmp(keystring, "TO_HEIGHT")) {
334  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->from_to[1][2]));
335  ++reqkeys;
336  continue;
337  }
338  if (!strcmp(keystring, "FROM_EASTING")) {
339  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->from_to[0][0]));
340  ++reqkeys;
341  continue;
342  }
343  if (!strcmp(keystring, "FROM_NORTHING")) {
344  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->from_to[0][1]));
345  ++reqkeys;
346  continue;
347  }
348  if (!strcmp(keystring, "FROM_HEIGHT")) {
349  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->from_to[0][2]));
350  ++reqkeys;
351  continue;
352  }
353  if (!strcmp(keystring, "Z_EXAG")) {
354  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->exag));
355  ++reqkeys;
356  continue;
357  }
358  if (!strcmp(keystring, "MESH_FREQ")) {
359  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%d", &(View->mesh_freq));
360  continue;
361  }
362  if (!strcmp(keystring, "POLY_RES")) {
363  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%d", &(View->poly_freq));
364  continue;
365  }
366  if (!strcmp(keystring, "DOAVG")) {
367  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%d", &(View->doavg));
368  continue;
369  }
370  if (!strcmp(keystring, "FIELD_VIEW")) {
371  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->fov));
372  ++reqkeys;
373  continue;
374  }
375  if (!strcmp(keystring, "TWIST")) {
376  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->twist));
377  continue;
378  }
379  if (!strcmp(keystring, "DISPLAY_TYPE")) {
380  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%d", &View->display_type);
381  continue;
382  }
383  if (!strcmp(keystring, "DOZERO")) {
384  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", boo);
385  View->dozero = get_bool(boo);
386  continue;
387  }
388  if (!strcmp(keystring, "COLORGRID")) {
389  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", boo);
390  View->colorgrid = get_bool(boo);
391  continue;
392  }
393  if (!strcmp(keystring, "FRINGE")) {
394  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", boo);
395  View->fringe = get_bool(boo);
396  continue;
397  }
398  if (!strcmp(keystring, "SHADING")) {
399  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", boo);
400  View->shading = get_bool(boo);
401  continue;
402  }
403  if (!strcmp(keystring, "BG_COL")) {
404  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", View->bg_col);
405  continue;
406  }
407  if (!strcmp(keystring, "GRID_COL")) {
408  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", View->grid_col);
409  continue;
410  }
411  if (!strcmp(keystring, "OTHER_COL")) {
412  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", View->other_col);
413  continue;
414  }
415  if (!strcmp(keystring, "SURFACEONLY")) {
416  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", boo);
417  View->surfonly = get_bool(boo);
418  continue;
419  }
420  if (!strcmp(keystring, "LIGHTS_ON")) {
421  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%s", boo);
422  View->lightson = get_bool(boo);
423  continue;
424  }
425  if (!strcmp(keystring, "LIGHTPOS")) {
426  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f%f%f%f", &(View->lightpos[0]),
427  &(View->lightpos[1]), &(View->lightpos[2]),
428  &(View->lightpos[3]));
429  continue;
430  }
431  if (!strcmp(keystring, "LIGHTCOL")) {
432  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f%f%f", &(View->lightcol[0]),
433  &(View->lightcol[1]), &(View->lightcol[2]));
434  continue;
435  }
436  if (!strcmp(keystring, "LIGHTAMBIENT")) {
437  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->ambient));
438  continue;
439  }
440  if (!strcmp(keystring, "SHINE")) {
441  sscanf(buffer, "%*s%f", &(View->shine));
442  continue;
443  }
444  }
445  }
447  fclose(fp);
449  if (reqkeys != REQ_KEYS) /* required keys not found */
450  return (-1);
452  /* fill rest of View->vwin */
453  if (wind_keys == 6) {
454  View->vwin.ew_res = (View->vwin.east - View->vwin.west) /
455  View->vwin.cols;
456  View->vwin.ns_res = (View->vwin.north - View->vwin.south) /
457  View->vwin.rows;
458  }
459  else
460  return (0); /* older format */
462  if (!Suppress_warn) {
463  if (95 > (lap = compare_wind(&(View->vwin), &curwin))) {
465  fprintf(stderr, _("GRASS window when view was saved:\n"));
466  G_format_northing(View->vwin.north, nbuf, G_projection());
467  fprintf(stderr, "north: %s\n", nbuf);
468  G_format_northing(View->vwin.south, nbuf, G_projection());
469  fprintf(stderr, "south: %s\n", nbuf);
470  G_format_easting(View->vwin.east, ebuf, G_projection());
471  fprintf(stderr, "east: %s\n", ebuf);
472  G_format_easting(View->vwin.west, ebuf, G_projection());
473  fprintf(stderr, "west: %s\n", ebuf);
474  pr_winerr(lap, fname);
475  }
476  }
477  }
478  else {
479  G_warning(_("Unable to open %s for reading"), fname);
480  return (-1);
481  }
483  if (current)
484  return (2);
486  return (1);
487 }
490 /* returns the percentage of savedwin that overlaps curwin */
492 static int compare_wind(const struct Cell_head *savedwin,
493  const struct Cell_head *curwin)
494 {
495  float e_ings[4], n_ings[4], area_lap, area_saved;
496  int outside = 0;
498  if (savedwin->north < curwin->south)
499  outside = 1;
500  if (savedwin->south > curwin->north)
501  outside = 1;
502  if (savedwin->east < curwin->west)
503  outside = 1;
504  if (savedwin->west > curwin->east)
505  outside = 1;
506  if (outside)
507  return (0);
509  e_ings[0] = savedwin->west;
510  e_ings[1] = savedwin->east;
511  e_ings[2] = curwin->west;
512  e_ings[3] = curwin->east;
513  edge_sort(e_ings);
515  n_ings[0] = savedwin->south;
516  n_ings[1] = savedwin->north;
517  n_ings[2] = curwin->south;
518  n_ings[3] = curwin->north;
519  edge_sort(n_ings);
521  area_lap = (e_ings[2] - e_ings[1]) * (n_ings[2] - n_ings[1]);
522  area_saved = (savedwin->east - savedwin->west) *
523  (savedwin->north - savedwin->south);
525  return ((int)(area_lap * 100.0 / area_saved));
526 }
529 static int get_bool(const char *str)
530 {
531  if (str[0] == 'y' || str[0] == 'Y')
532  return (1);
533  if (str[0] == 'n' || str[0] == 'N')
534  return (0);
536  return (atoi(str) ? 1 : 0);
537 }
540 static void pr_winerr(int vis, /* % of saved window overlapping current window */
541  const char *viewname)
542 {
543  switch (vis) {
544  case 0:
545  G_warning(_(" Window saved in \"%s\" is completely outside of current GRASS window."),
546  viewname);
547  break;
548  default:
549  G_warning(_(" Only %d%% of window saved in \"%s\" overlaps with current GRASS window."),
550  vis, viewname);
551  break;
552  }
553 }
555 /*********************************************************************/
556 /* sorts 4 floats from lowest to highest */
558 static void edge_sort(float sides[4])
559 {
560  int i, j;
561  float temp;
563  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
564  for (j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j) {
565  if (sides[j] < sides[i]) { /* then swap */
566  temp = sides[i];
567  sides[i] = sides[j];
568  sides[j] = temp;
569  }
570  }
571  }
572 }
575 static int read_old_format(struct G_3dview *v, FILE * fp)
576 {
577  char buffer[80];
578  int req_keys = 0;
579  double td;
580  char boo[8];
582  strcpy((v->pgm_id), "d.3d");
583  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%f", &(v->from_to[1][0])))
584  ++req_keys;
585  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%f", &(v->from_to[1][1])))
586  ++req_keys;
587  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%f", &(v->from_to[1][2])))
588  ++req_keys;
589  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%f", &(v->from_to[0][0])))
590  ++req_keys;
591  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%f", &(v->from_to[0][1])))
592  ++req_keys;
593  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%f", &(v->from_to[0][2])))
594  ++req_keys;
595  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%f", &(v->exag)))
596  ++req_keys;
597  sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%d", &(v->mesh_freq));
598  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%f", &(v->fov)))
599  ++req_keys;
600  if (1 == sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%lf", &td)) { /* resolution */
601  v->vwin.rows = (v->vwin.north - v->vwin.south) / td;
602  v->vwin.cols = (v->vwin.east - v->vwin.west) / td;
603  v->vwin.ew_res = v->vwin.ns_res = td;
604  }
606  sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%s", boo); /* linesonly */
607  v->display_type = get_bool(boo) ? 1 : 3;
608  sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%s", boo);
609  v->dozero = get_bool(boo);
610  sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%s", v->grid_col);
611  if (!strcmp(v->grid_col, "color"))
612  v->colorgrid = 1;
614  sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%s", v->other_col);
615  sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%s", v->bg_col);
616  sscanf(fgets(buffer, 80, fp), "%s", boo);
617  v->doavg = get_bool(boo);
619  if (v->exag) { /* old 3d.view files saved height with no exag */
620  v->from_to[0][2] /= v->exag;
621  v->from_to[1][2] /= v->exag;
622  }
625  fclose(fp);
626  if (req_keys == REQ_KEYS)
627  return (1);
628  else
629  return (-1);
630 }
int colorgrid
Definition: gis.h:486
const char * G_find_file2(const char *, const char *, const char *)
Searches for a file from the mapset search list or in a specified mapset. (look but don&#39;t touch) ...
Definition: find_file.c:247
float from_to[2][3]
Definition: gis.h:477
float twist
Definition: gis.h:479
char grid_col[40]
Definition: gis.h:491
2D/3D raster map header (used also for region)
Definition: gis.h:412
float lightcol[3]
Definition: gis.h:495
double west
Extent coordinates (west)
Definition: gis.h:464
int G_projection(void)
Query cartographic projection.
Definition: proj1.c:32
int poly_freq
Definition: gis.h:482
int fringe
Definition: gis.h:488
int doavg
Definition: gis.h:490
int G_get_3dview_defaults(struct G_3dview *v, struct Cell_head *w)
Sets default for v based on w.
Definition: view.c:62
#define NULL
Definition: ccmath.h:32
char pgm_id[40]
Definition: gis.h:476
int display_type
Definition: gis.h:483
float ambient
Definition: gis.h:496
float shine
Definition: gis.h:497
int format
Max number of bytes per raster data value minus 1 (raster header only)
Definition: gis.h:418
int G_put_3dview(const char *fname, const char *mapset, const struct G_3dview *View, const struct Cell_head *Win)
Saves info to a 3d.view file.
Definition: view.c:170
float lightpos[4]
Definition: gis.h:494
void G_format_northing(double, char *, int)
Northing to ASCII.
Definition: wind_format.c:29
void G_format_easting(double, char *, int)
Easting to ASCII.
Definition: wind_format.c:49
int shading
Definition: gis.h:487
int dozero
Definition: gis.h:485
int compressed
Compression mode (raster header only)
Definition: gis.h:425
double north
Extent coordinates (north)
Definition: gis.h:458
FILE * G_fopen_new(const char *, const char *)
Open a new database file.
Definition: gis/open.c:220
double b
Definition: r_raster.c:39
char other_col[40]
Definition: gis.h:493
double south
Extent coordinates (south)
Definition: gis.h:460
void G_3dview_warning(int b)
Turns 3D View warnings on and off.
Definition: view.c:48
int mesh_freq
Definition: gis.h:481
struct Cell_head vwin
Definition: gis.h:498
int zone
Projection zone (UTM)
Definition: gis.h:446
float fov
Definition: gis.h:478
int lightson
Definition: gis.h:484
#define REQ_KEYS
Definition: view.c:24
FILE * G_fopen_old(const char *, const char *, const char *)
Open a database file for reading.
Definition: gis/open.c:253
void G_get_set_window(struct Cell_head *)
Get the current working window (region)
int proj
Projection code.
Definition: gis.h:444
int G_get_3dview(const char *fname, const char *mapset, struct G_3dview *View)
Gets a 3D View.
Definition: view.c:251
char bg_col[40]
Definition: gis.h:492
Definition: gis.h:474
int cols
Number of columns for 2D data.
Definition: gis.h:431
double ns_res
Resolution - north to south cell size for 2D data.
Definition: gis.h:452
void G_warning(const char *,...) __attribute__((format(printf
double east
Extent coordinates (east)
Definition: gis.h:462
#define _(str)
Definition: glocale.h:10
float exag
Definition: gis.h:480
double ew_res
Resolution - east to west cell size for 2D data.
Definition: gis.h:448
int surfonly
Definition: gis.h:489
int rows
Number of rows for 2D data.
Definition: gis.h:427